Could it be

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I looked at the body on the table and seen someone I never expected to see, Tommy. 

"Jimmy he was dead, I killed him years ago." I told him.

"I guess he just made you think that he was dead." Jimmy said with a look of sadness. 

It must be hard for him he killed his own brother. I smiled at him and put a hand on his bicep. 

"I'm here for you love." I told him.


I was running. Tommy was chasing me trying to kill me and Hunter. He was mad because Jimmy caught him raping me, this would cost me more than just my life but also my family. I tripped over my own feet while I was running. I had to get up I have to keep Hunter safe. 

"Julie I know you're here you haven't even made it past the fence." Tommy yelled

"Fuck, you will be safe Hunter mommy will protect you." I whispered to my baby to soothe him. 

I got up and made it to the fence. When I grabbed it I realized that it wasn't just metal chain link but rather it was barbed wire tied like a chain link fence. I put Hunter in Jimmy's leather jacket to protect him as I climbed the fence to get to the barn, Jimmy kept his gun in there. 

"Juliet I know what your plan is and it will never work." He screamed as I managed to heave the door to the barn open.

I grabbed Jimmy's gun taking the safety off and hiding my baby behind a bale of hay. I positioned myself on a rafter waiting for Tommy to walk in. He ran in furious that I had even made it this far. I aimed at his face right between his eyes, as I locked in on my target I pulled the trigger.  Tommy's lifeless body fell crumpled on the ground. I jumped down off of the rafter and grabbed Hunter. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jimmy Hugged me close as Hunter came back down the stairs. 

"Mom why is daddy crying?" Hunter asked.

I didn't have the courage to tell him about his uncle. Jimmy gave a half hearted smile and ruffled Hunter's hair. Hunter is so big now and Jimmy missed him growing up, yes we visited every other day but Jimmy should have been home. 

"Hunter the man on the table is your uncle Tommy." Jimmy said to him. 

"Why did you kill him? Family always comes first and you killed your own brother." Hunter seemed angry as he said this. 

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