At Taylor's

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A/N: Thank you to all of you 199 wonderful people who have taken time out of their day to read this, you are the reason I write. I know that you like this story and maybe you would like my other stories. They are called: Stolen Hope, The life of Erica, and Septiplier. Thank you for the support on my writing I love you guys. XX FluffyEmoKitty. (Ps I might misspell names because it has been a while since I have read the original please spare me of ay hate comments just politly tell me and I will fix it :)


Hunter's p.o.v.

We were at Taylor's after 2 godfucking hours. I hate to drive for long periods of time. I get bored or drift off to sleep. We eventually pulled into a driveway not to different to the one at our house. I got out of the truck and helped dad get the bags, taking them into the house. 

"Hunter you can go hang out with Gage." Dad told me.

"Okay you should talk to mom, she has important news to tell you." I told him before wandering around outside to find this Gage kid. I knew moms news for dad, she told me that way I could give her my opinion on how dad would take it.

A boy who seemed to be my age yelled "Hunter come here, I haven't seen you since we were babies."

"Who are you?"


"Oh" I didn't have much to tell him, I don't know or remember him. 

I smiled half-heartedly at the boy. I don't really like to talk to other people unless it's mom and dad. I guess you could say that I am anti-social. I watched as him and a few others played football and other sports that I was never into. 

Julie's p.o.v.

I went to unpack Jimmy and I's bag in the spare room upstairs away from the kitchen. I hated it to this day ever since I had to kill and skin that first person. My first kill was in that room, and I resented it. Jimmy walked in the room and layed down.

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