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*swish*. That was the sound my sword made when it struck down the final guard. Finally, after two years, I had gotten strong enough to break into this place, Keimusho, a prison for all of the REAL criminals, except for one, who I was about to free. But I'm getting ahead of myself, my name is Kishi Agner, and I was born in an era of corruption, but the source is quite a surprise. I was born with kind and loving parents, and I turned out to be a cheerful little girl, with the rare yellow-eyed trait from my mothers side of the family, and jet black hair from my dad's side. I had a good childhood, it was just, unstable. My mother was a knight, she protected innocent people from the corruption. Until one day, her life ended early, when she finally got caught, her brave, strong soul, now in a better place. After she died, I inherited her armor and weapons and trained myself. Now your probably wondering what this corruption is, and I'll tell you. Goddesses. Goddesses have been worshiped by humanity for a long time, they created everything we saw, except one thing, our greatest fear, demons, who they protected us from. After a while, humanity became much more independent, there were very few serious worshippers. The Goddesses had enough, the queen, Megami, took over, becoming a ruler with an iron fist, even crueler than the demons. She imprisoned innocent people and worst of all, she imprisoned the demon queen. Humanity has feared the demons for a VERY LOOOOONG time, but here's what we didn't know. They were the only ones keeping the balance between good and evil, they were the only ones who could keep check on the Godesess. By now, she's been ruling for more than 50,000 years. I trained for years, getting stronger, I became a solo rebel, with one goal. To go around to the highest security prisons and free rebel demons, humans, and even other Goddesses. Now, I was finally breaking her out, the demon queen, the only one who could restore balance. Now as I approached the 20 foot thick iron doors, demon resistant, I was never going to turn back. It was a risky choice, but it was the world's only chance. I grabbed the keys from the dead guard's pocket and unlocked the ginormous door.

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