Prison break!

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As I charged into battle, sword in hand, the demon queen simply floated there.

"What are you doing!" I screamed as I defended myself against the mob.

"Oh, right," she said, and at that, the flame between her horns grew larger along with her grin. Suddenly, fire burst out through the ground, making a wall around me, knocking the guards off their feet.

"Woah," I said, watching this great power.

"Oh, that's nothing." She said, rubbing her clawed hands. "I'm just getting warmed up." She exclaimed, with a stupid grin on her face. It.was.a.PUN.

This queen was going to be a handful, I could already tell. I groaned and continued to fight. After that, she summoned skeletons that dug themselves out of the ground and helped us during battle. As soon as all the guards were occupied, she made a sort of fence out of bones, leading to the exit. I bolted for the door and the demon queen floated along behind me, and just like that, we were out.

We bolted toward the nearby woods, and didn't stop running, knowing that the second that the guards finished with the skeletons, we were next. "So." Said the demon queen, floating on her back next to me."What's your name, you never mentioned it in our short chat in there." She said it so casually, as if this entire predicament were completely normal, which judging by what I've seen so far, would not be surprising if it was.

"Kishi, Kishi Ager." I said, huffing and puffing, her casual and childish behavior was getting on my nerves. As a queen, I would have expected more maturity, knowing that she was thousands of years old, and with this great amount of power, placed in the hands of this person.

"What's your name, so I can stop calling you demon queen, unless you prefer that." I asked, I looked over to her, and she had a look of uncertainty on her face.

"Akuma, that's what you can call me." She said, her eyes darting every which way. "It's Japanese for demon." She said, maybe trying to reassure me of a reason to call her that, but I could tell that it wasn't her real name. Also, I had no idea what in the world Japan was.

"That's a pretty nickname." I said, trying to wheedle her real name out of her, but it was obvious that she wasn't budging. We continued to run, or rather, I continued to run, for a good thirty minutes, in complete silence, until we came upon a small cottage.

My Friend; the DemonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang