The terrible two

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They all jumped to face the sound and saw two girls, about 9 years old each, standing side by side. One had skin as dark as night, short, white hair, and dark blue eyes. She had red horns that curled behind her. The other had hair that gradually went through the colors of the rainbow on the way down in a ponytail, pale skin, and emerald green eyes. She had yellow horns that curled to the sides. They both wore hospital gowns.

The white haired one stepped forward.

"H-hi." She said in a deep voice, trying to sound brave.

"I'm Era, and this is my sister, Inku." She continued.

"What's your bui-"

"Did you come to hurt us more?" Asked Inku, interrupting her sister. She spoke in a high pitched, sweet voice. Akuma gasped and put her hands over her mouth at this statement.

"No, we came to sa-" said Akuma as she limped closer, but Era put her arms out to keep her back. Akuma stopped, understanding that she was a bit defensive.

"We came to save you." She continued. Inku jumped up and down and clapped her hands, but Era looked suspicious.

"What's the catch?" She asked.

"You have to help us defeat Megami." I replied.

"No way, I need to keep Inku safe." She said.

"But Era, she's the one that put the people to hurt us." Said Inku putting a hand on Era's shoulder.

"But you need to be safe Inku." Retaliated Era.

"They're our only chance of escaping." Said Inku.

"If you don't want to do it, it's fine." Said Akuma. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"See!" Said Era smiling. Inku put on a stern look.

"They came all this way for our help, and now we're just going to reject them, Era, this is our chance to actually help our kind!" Said Inku. Era sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but who are you people?" Asked Era.


"Not you, her." Said Era, interrupting me.

"Well, she's Kishi, leader of this rebellion, she's Hira, our healer, that's Vortex, our second recruit, he's Hans, he's just along for the ride, and I'm Akuma." Akuma said.

"What're you." Asked Era.

"I'm the demon queen." She replied. Both Era and Inku gasped.

"What's the matter?" Asked Akuma.

"We thought you were imprisoned!" Said Inku.

"I was until she saved me." Replied Akuma, pointing at me.

"O-ok, we'll come, let us get our clothes first." Said Era. They walked out of the room and were gone for about ten minutes. They thought they were going to run for it, but they came back. Era wore a red tank top with a turtle neck, a blue hoodie tied around her waist, black, tattered jeans, and red sneakers. Inku wore a yellow tshirt, jean shorts and green tights, pink rain boots and fingerless gloves.

Their clothes looked dirty and tattered, like they'd been found in the garbage. They walked out of the prison and made their way west, to the next prison, which was about 630 miles away. As they were making their way out, I noticed that Akuma and Era walked a good distance behind us. I walked a bit slower to get close to them and eavesdropped.

"So, what's your story?" Asked Akuma. Era sighed and began.

"You've been gone a long time, demons have been treated like the scum of the earth, so much so that they didn't want to be demons anymore. A man opened up a secret establishment that removed enough black majik from the soul so that they turned human. When I was born, it was immediately obvious I was a demon, my horns had already sprouted. They threw me into the streets. I was found by a horrible woman who took me and made me her slave. I eventually escaped and survived on the streets. Inku on the other hand, didn't sprout her horns until later. She had a loving family, but when her horns sprouted and her hair began to turn colors, her mother panicked. She tried to cut them off so her father wouldn't notice, a painful thing for Inku, and she cut and dyed her hair. Whenever She would mention anything about horns, her mother would take her to the other room and whip her, until eventually, she never uttered a peep. One day, she was alone with her father and she showed him the cut of horns. The father, disgusted, threw her and her mother out of the house. Her mother then hated her and left her on the street, where she found me. At first, I was going to leave her, but she was persistent and kept on following me. I then took her along on my journey. We found an orphanage for kids like us. Soon though, the goddesses found out and their followers burned it to the ground. We were the only survivors and made it our goal to make sure that no kid had to go through what we did ever again. We eventually got captured though, they then experimented on our souls and bodies. But now, we're here, so thanks for that." Finished Era. She had said her story so easily, as if it was nothing, which NOT knowing what had happened, probably was compared to what they had seen happen to other kids.Akuma looked both devastated and furious at the same time.

"All this happened, while I was gone?" She asked. Era nodded. Akuma got the strength to float again and zoomed to the front of the group and stopped them. "We have to make a pit stop guys." Said Akuma as she snapped her fingers. Red fire consumed them all until they were gone and they suddenly appeared on top of a hill. From the hill they could see a huge kingdom. It looked almost abandoned. Most houses in view were crumbling and any that were inhabited were in very poor shape. There was a castle in the distance that looked like it was in the same conditions.

"The demon kingdom." Said Akuma with a look of pure anger.

My Friend; the Demonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن