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I woke up to voices. One I recognized as Akuma's, the other was a male voice that I had never heard in my life. I got up and grabbed my sword from the side of my makeshift bed of leaves, ready for battle. He was a boy about my age in full gold armor. He had tan skin and messed-up hair as gold as his armor.

What was unsettling about him were his tired, black eyes.

"Forgive the intrusion, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Hang Yaku Sha, but most just call Hans since my name isn't very common." He said in a smooth voice, extending his hand. I took his hand and shook it firmly.

"Hans and I have talking all morning ever since I woke up and saw him sitting in the trees, he's on our side, against the goddesses that is." Said Akuma, when suddenly Hira woke up and practically jumped to her feet.

"Hans?!" She asked fearfully.

"Ah, Hira, my old friend." He said walking towards her and putting an arm around her.

"We go way back, isn't that right Hira?" He asked her. She nodded her head frantically and smiled.

"Ok, well, we better get moving-." I started before Hans interrupted with

"Wait, what about breakfast?" He asked before revealing a huge sack with supplies and food.

"Whoa, where'd you even get that. I thought they only gave small portions to each person, and I thought they only gave out rice and rotten vegetables?" I asked.

"Er, I stole them, from one of the goddesses stashes." He replied. As long as he had food, I was fine with him. We ate a filling breakfast of eggs and bacon and headed out. Now that I knew Akuma could fly far distances, and fast, I nagged her to do so with us, so she picked all three of us up and flew off into the distance. We talked to Hans in the sky, learned more about him.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you, Kishi, how did you get all of this info on prisoners, Hans brought up the question and I realized that I didn't know the answer." Asked Akuma.

"Well first off, rumors spread like fire, second off, I hacked into a record of all goddess founded prisons, and downloaded them into this." I said, pulling it out a cleverly hidden compartment in my armor. It was a light pad, a tablet that was made of light, bendable, everything-proof, and stolen. I showed them my files. "Here I'll read yours Akuma. Name: The demon queen, AKA Belle from hell. Prisoner #666 in Kantan prison. Danger:X Description: Extremely dangerous to our reign, do not let escape at all cost." I read aloud.

"What does danger X mean?" Asked Hira. I explained that it meant X for Xtremely. In almost an instant, we were there, and by instant I mean about 3 hours. The prison was huge, built with dark bricks, similar to the other prison. They camped a good distance away, preparing for battle in the morning.

My Friend; the DemonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu