Into the woods

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The night went fine, Hira didn't try to escape even once, either out of fear, or excitement, or actually wanting to know what the goddesses have been doing, or whatever. Hira said that I snored really loud and that Akuma sleep fought, I agree with the statement about Akuma, but I would never snore. Anyways we packed provisions from Hira's house and set off into the woods again. I learned that Akuma's tail could take any shape she wanted so she handcuffed Hira with it so she wouldn't try to run. About ten minutes in to our journey, Akuma interrupted the silence.

"So, who are we breaking out now." She asked.

"Well according to my information now we are breaking out a half demon hybrid. She rebelled against the goddesses and would slay their armies with a huge scythe and she'd take captives for questioning by, erm, knocking them out with a faucet pipe?" I replied.

"Hol' up. Is her code name Vortex?" Akuma asked. I looked up and nodded

"Do you know her?" I asked.

"Yeah, we go waaaaaayyy back to before the goddesses. We met when she tried to assassinate me, good times, good times." Said Akuma looking dreamily into the distance.

"Anyways, she's in a prison about 300 miles away from here." I said to Akuma.

"Ughhhh, that'll take forever. Do you have a picture of the prison?" She asked. I shook my head and she sighed again.

"Why do you want a picture?" I asked.

"Ehh, you'll see later." She replied. We walked for about 3 more hours, having casual conversation and getting to know each other better, but then our feet started to hurt, or well, me and Hira's. It only reminded me that it would take about a week to reach the prison on foot.

"Hey Akuma, your a demon queen, you must have had an interesting life, tell me a story because I am really bored." I demanded.

"Ok, what kind of story." Asked Akuma.

"Hmmm, tell me how you got captured by the goddesses." I asked. A sad smile formed on Akuma's face again.

"Heh, that's an interesting one. Well, if you really wanna know, it was my wedding day. It was hosted at the old woods me and my friends hung out at. It was beautiful. Everyone was there, even Vortex. As I was walking down the aisle, I felt a stabbing pain from behind me. Everyone gasped and before I could get up to fight they poured a liquid that made me fall asleep. I still don't know who stabbed me, but I was asleep. I woke up in the prison we just broke out of yesterday. I was going to escape, until one of the guards told me what was happening in the outside. He said that Hana was taking over, and that humans supported the idea of me getting locked up. I was furious, but I waited it out, because I knew that sooner or later, they'd realize they needed me, and until then they would have to pay the price of having no balance." Finished Akuma. Hira looked devastated, seeing this new side of goddesses. I felt sad inside, knowing Akuma's backstory.

"Ok, now you tell me a story, how'd you get into this whole recruiting business?" She asked. I explained the story of my mother. Akuma looked shocked. We continued to walk and exchange stories until sunset. "Ugh, I can't see the sunflower set!" Akuma exclaimed, and suddenly she perked up.

"Grab my hand." She gestured to both Hira and me. As soon as we grabbed on she put us under her arms, I looked up at her angry, but then I realized, she stretched out her wings, pushed off the ground and soared through the sky. I gasped, Hira screamed. We were going about 50 miles per hour. Akuma looked ahead, pleased that she could see the sunset.

I felt the wind blow through my hair, it was exhilarating. The sun flower was a beautiful sight. We stayed there until the sunflower set and we saw the stars like no one has ever seen. They were so close I could practically touch it. We flew for about 2 hours before Akuma landed, exhausted.

She gathered wood and summoned a fire. She summoned skeletons to guard them that night. I stayed up later than anyone, contemplating the journey I started, and that my mother would have wanted this. Finally I settled down to sleep. As I closed my eyes, I thought I saw two eyes in the trees, but it was probably just a bird or something. Boy, was eye wrong.

My Friend; the DemonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum