Akuma, the weapon-smith

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"Ok, well, I'm gonna use those blue amethysts over there, their mostly used for weapon majik anyways, I don't know what gave you the idea their good for healing." Said Akuma.

"Well, they can provide a home for souls, so we can give them to the Goddesses, and-" started Hira.

"HA! Megami uses blue amethysts for jewlery. I harvest souls and put one that I find suiting into a weapon, to aid the user. Most volunteer, wanting to serve a purpose besides being jewlery. Anyways, I, gonna get to work. I'm also going to use some of those blood crystals, they're good for transformations, they alter the the DNA and majik in your blood so that you can morph into anything, I would know." Said Akuma, pointing at the red gem sticking out of her chest. She gathered the jar of blue amethysts and blood crystals. She went to the nearby desk and went to work. She snapped her fingers and the two jars floated right next to her, a red aura surrounding them. The jars opened, and crystals would float out and onto the desk.

Finally, after about 2 hours, she finished with the crystals. She had placed them in the shape of a odd looking sword, but they were still separate crystals, I was confused, but I realized she wasn't done. The flame above her head grew larger, and her hands held balls of flames. She placed her hands on the unformed sword and melted the crystals together, molding the sword as she went. Finally, after a short ten minutes, she was done.

She had made a long blade, with a blood crystal handle. The blade was thin, but sharp. It put my iron broadsword to shame."It's called a katana, my friend used to love these." She said with a nostalgic grin. "Now, for the grand finale." She said as she rubbed her hands together.

She raised her hands in the air, a white light emitting from one, a black one from the other. Her eyes glowing with the same colors. Finally, her red gem glowed. The lights grew, bigger and bigger, brighter and brighter, until it was blinding, than suddenly it stopped. Between Akuma's hands was a soul.

She placed it into the sword and markings started to surround the blade. The scratches on the blade formed the scene of a wolf howling on a starry night. The handle started to be surrounded by wolf hairs, making a grip. When it was done, Akuma started inspecting it. "This was the soul of a, err, night-wolf that was killed to be sacrificed to Megami, she wants to help us defeat her." Said Akuma, placing the sword into her hands.

But something about the way she said it, something was wrong. It was then that I was truly amazed by her power. "Now, keep in mind that this sword is a living thing, well, the host of one, treat it with respect and it will serve you well. It has a majikal  property, because of the bloods crystals, that will allow you to morph into a wolf. This power, though, is very draining for the sword, so you probably can't use it for more than 30 minutes, you have to give it time to rest." said Akuma. I think this helped me realize that Akuma was a lot smarter than she looked. She had great power, and she knew how to use it, even if she had a childish personality, she had wisdom and intelligence, she used it when she wanted.

As if reading my mind, she said "I know I seemed a little stupid to you during our first meeting, but I'm not stupid, he, I'm just to lazy to act smart. Being millions of years old comes with its perks. Now, I'm starved, I haven't had a bite to eat in ages!" She said, with a smug grin on her face. I ignored her pun and payed attention to Hira, who's jaw was dropped beyond human capability, a spoon poised above the pot in the fire place."Well, I think dinners ready!" I said, I was starting to warm up to Akuma, oh wait, NOT ANOTHER PUN!

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