Ode to love

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They all woke up bright and early, ready to receive their next mission.

"So, who's next, Kishi?" Asked Akuma. I pulled out my light pad and found the closest prison, which was only 100 miles away.

"The terrible two." I replied.

"They sound interesting, what else?" Akuma asked.

"Well, their demons.It says their tactic is using soul fission, since one has the power to create and the other destroy, they fuse to create weapons of mass destruction." I said

"They should be useful." Added Hans.

"Yeah and their only about 100 miles away, Akuma, do you think you could do the job?" I asked.

"I've been straining my wings a lot, I don't think it's a good idea, do you have a picture of the place?"

"Nope." I replied.

"Darn." Said Akuma and Vortex in unison. Suddenly, Akuma began to look around.

"Why does this place feel so familiar?" Asked Akuma.

"Have you honestly forgotten?" Asked Vortex in return.

"Wait is this Blossoms forest?" Akuma replied in shock.

"It just so happens it is." Said Vortex. "C'mere." She said. They walked east from their trajectory for a good ten minutes. Suddenly, Vortex rushed forward and pulled back a bunch of branches to reveal a clearing. In that clearing was a few rows of white chairs and a path of wilted flowers between them.

Along side each row was a put-out tiki torch. At the end of the path was a makeshift stage made with a ivy covered rock.there was an arch made of interweaving vines and white flowers. All of it was overgrown with weeds and other plants, as if it had been there for an eternity. It was a place where a wedding would take place. I turned back to look at Akuma, her eyes were filling with black tears in one eye and lava in the other.

She had a smile on her face. She walked towards the aisle of flowers and picked up a wilted bouquet of black flowers. She looked at them sadly. I suddenly realized. This must've been where her wedding was.

She looked back at us. Vortex was also smiling sadly. I then looked at Hans and saw that he to was smiling, but not a kind, warm one. His smile looked fake, like a mask, and it gave off a nervous aura.

"Ah, well as much as I'd like to stay here and breath in old memories we should get going.... right?" He asked. We all looked at him and realized that he was right.

"Eh, you're right, staying here's just gonna make me sad." Said Akuma, wiping tears off her face and sniffling. She put one of the wilted black flowers in her hair and smiled. Hira walked over and offered to heal them, but Akuma rejected the offer. They started to get back on track towards the prison and Akuma made a flower crown out of her bouquet on the way there. I feel that that place gave Akuma more determination to continue.

"Akuma." I said.


"What was your fiancé like?" I asked. She stayed silent for a moment, so I was worried she wouldn't answer, but she spoke.

"He was a wonderful man. Kind, generous, always by my side, he was more than I ever could want, and I was lucky that he loved me back. I became a better person through him, and he through me. He has a little piece of my soul." She replied, smiling nostalgically. It made me smile to see everyone so happy. We continued on, a little spring in everyone's step. I was still suspicious of Hans, but I suppose he just felt awkward in that kind of situation. I kept a close eye on him, but he acted as normal as ever for the rest of the day.

Soon, Akuma regained her strength and flew us the rest of the way. The prison was the same, black bricks, tall and strong. The guard here was the same as last time, not one spot left bare, except this time, something was different. On the roof was a lady surrounded by an orb of water. She had tan skin with a wave tattoo on her sleeve, blue eyes, and sea green hair with a braid held in place by pearls.

She wore a blue fabric tied around her chest, a long skirt made from water, and a pearl necklace, bracelets, and anklets. She was a goddess. She looked up at the hill they were standing on and smiled. The battle had begun.

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