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Dreams .. Well more like


Full of nothing but

Blood and snares

I wish I could dream

Of laughing and love

But all I see

Are blood red doves

Nobody knows of my

scary dreams

Or all of the

throat slicing scenes

I wake up

in a cold sweat

Dreading what always

comes next

You think it's over

But it's just begun

All you wish to do

Is to see the beautiful sun

Nothing is worse then

to watch your family

All dead and pale

While there bodies are clammy

Now here comes the finality

Of your worst thoughts

To see every one you've ever cared for

With nooses tied in double notes

You watch them fall

There bodies wiggle trying to get free

All you here them mumble

Is 'baby please help me'

You try to scream

but not a sound

All you hear is

this gut retching pound

You realize there clapping

There on the ground while your being hung

you start to hear

Melodies being sung

There at your funeral

And having a party

To celibate your dreadful


There all happy for once

And your being lowered in the ground

People spit on your grave

Always around

You wake up crying

People rush in

The doctors are trying to

Stick another needle in

'Please don't I don't

want to see it again

I've suffered enough pain

Being dragged down by sin'

'Doctor doctor

please I beg you

Don't you think my

Personality has become a new?'


Baby ?! Wake up

We're on our way

To put you in a nice place

Until another day

We hope you like it there

With the nice new people

and maybe you will make friends

In the big red steeple

We love you, good bye

We shall visit

We hope your stay here

Is certainly exquisite :)


Sorry it's weird and creepy I had a nightmare and desired to write this .. And basically it's bout how a gurl is going to b put in an asylum cuz she's crazy and the drugs they give her repeat that dream ... Sorry had a random creepy moment lol I scared myself by writing this :) that all for today lol love whoever reads my stuff!?!


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