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Family is an amazing thing to have

Family is great

Sometimes there annoying

Only when u can relate

I have 7 siblings

And they are not blood

But who cares right?!

As long as they keep me from more cuts

I love them all

For who they are

And though they may be strict

They've saved me from more scars

They love me and

They're there for me

As long as were close

We don't have to be blood to be

One not two

Some people may not see

But I'm just like you

And I also bleed

I may not show it

But I need support

And my real family doesn't give any

So I have to retort

To my non-blood family

But there closer than anyone

Heck my parents may not know it

But they have 7 daughters and 1 son

Yes siblings should stay forever

But some come and some go

But I want every one out there

To know that they're not alone

I won't leave

I'll always be here

For anyone who needs

to shed some tears

I don't care what people think

Because I don't smoke or drink

I'm happy for who I am

And family is there with me until the end

So maybe there not blood

Or we don't look alike

But trust me

They have saved me multiple times from taking my own life

So shout out to all the people

Who love someone

And who have brothers and sisters

who aren't real blood

We love you

And you love us

So don't yell at me

Cuz there not blood


This is for my siblings an shout out to *dora11* and *manybandslittletime* you guys are the closest to family I have ;) love you gurls an where ever Alyssa, Rashonda, and Lexi are this is for u too ;) and to anyone else out there who loves a guy or gurl who isn't blood :) love you all


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