Cry for help

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Cry for help

Crushed, crying

and alone,

No one cares

how loud my tone.

No one listens

to me anymore,

All they think

I am is a bore.

They all just yell

out all there fears,

And think I should

help them away from tears.

What the fuck

am I supposed to do,

When all you do

is sit there and coo.

You don't bother

to b a friend

u only need me

when you need to be remand

You cry and beg

for me to help,

What about me?

I'm living in hell.

No one cares

and no one sees,

That when I get home

I cry into my knees.

They are all to caught up

in there perfect lives,

To finally look at me

and realize.

That I need help,

it's not all about you.

I cut, I bleed,

I need someone too.

But no ones there,

i thought there were.

At least someone who saw

or had started to learn.

That I'm not ok

that I hide myself,

Afraid someone will see

that I'm far from health.

But they all don't care,

they just see me.

As a nice little girl,

who's a wanna be.

I can tell you right now,

That I'm better then that,

that I'm not a prissy bitch,

I'm the one who helps the sad.

Yes I may be broken,

And living in hell.

But as long as no one sees,

I'll be quiet and won't tell.

I need help,

Thats the bottom line,

But I don't need someone ,

to pity me or start lying.

I need somebody to love me

And to actually care,

Not to yell at me

Or fake any 'feelings' that aren't there.

I need a rock

That won't move or leave,

Because every time

I think things are better,

They abandon me

and I make myself bleed.

Please if u come into my life

stay forever,

If not

then don't even bother.

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