My Mess

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My Mess

I'm sorry I'm a bitch

I'm sorry for my appearance

I'm sorry that I'm mad

I'm sorry I'm a nuisance

Not my fault I'm guarded

Or hate my face

Not my fault I have anger problems

Or have a bad taste

Sorry I wasn't there

Sorry I treated you like shit

Sorry I remember the bad

Sorry I got hurt a little bit

My bad, I didn't tell you

It wasn't an ascendent

My bad, you lied to my face

It wasn't what I wanted

I need you most

But where are you know

I need you but wait....

You with that slutty little cow

You said you loved me

I am not mistaken

You said you'd love me 'forever'

What happened to that? Were you joking?

I still love you

Needless to say

I still care for you

But wait, all you said was okay?

Is that supposed

To make me like her?

Is that meant

To make me feel better?

Thanks for the love

"We were meant to be"

Thanks for the heart break

I guess you will never see

How i truly felt

About the "us" we once were

How I loved you

And how I wish it were now a blur

I will never forgive you

You finally crossed the line

I hope your happy with the whore

Because you always were lying

Good bye my first love

I'll never forget

How you dismembered my heart

And tore it to bits

I hope she gives you

Something I can't

Like herpies or heartbreak

Maybe you'll finally understand


So I just found out that a whore is dating my ex-bf and like a day or so b4 there relationship even started he too me he was still in love with me.. So yea I was pissed and wrote this.. Hope you enjoy all of my writing. Umm..

Stay strong okay guys? Never give up.. It's shitty and it hurts but it's only temporary..

I love you


Your best friend

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