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Hell is life but with u it's perfect



I'm your worst nightmare

I'm your greatest dream

I'm your foulest enemy

That can't be seen

I can be your world

Or your hearts desire

I could be all yours

Or I could be a liar

Whatever you want me to be

I will oblige to anything

We could be wild and happy

Or we could stay solemn an sain

I'm sorry I'm not open

But I love you with everything

I'd do anything for my baby

An I pray you feel the same

You're perfect to me

An I won't take you for granted

I don't know how we came to be

An all you jealous wanna b's should can it

Just be happy for me

That's all that I ask

Because I found my Prince Charming

And I don't have to wear a mask

I can be myself

And in all honesty?

Although I may seem far from health

Thats just simply me being me :)


Okay so I guess it sounds kinda clingy but I don't give a shit.... anyway sorry for not updating I'm brain dead an recently in random depression..... An I doubt anyone reads my shitty writing but it's whatever cuz I like it.. Anyway hope everyone is having an amazing day ... Duces beautiful ppl!!?!


Your best friend

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