To all the broken

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To All the Broken

As a child

I went outside

I would see flowers and smell the rain in the air.

Now as a depressed teen

I go outside,

And pick out the flaws

And the pigments of dispair.

It's kinda funny

How you change from

An innocent child

To a demented teenager.

Just because you realize

How bad the world actually is.

Think about it...

People are being judged for

What there appearance is or who they like and why.

Also how there is an enormous amount of dry use in this country..

Come on people.. We're better then this shit.

And another thing..

Why the fuck do we have so many damn labels??? Huh? Cuz if you can't answer that question then you have no fucking right to tell me what my flaws are..

We're all different and unique in our own way.

Calling me ugly doesn't make you any prettier now does it bitch?

Making fun of people doesn't make you any better then you parents or whoever the hell makes you act the way you do to people..

So stop being so rude to people.. Because nobody deserves to be treated like this... We need love and companionship.. We need someone to be there when we fall or when we want to end it all..

We don't need negativity such as yelling or abusing.. We need optimism and positivity ad the world will fix itself out..

As if people put you down or hurt you to where you want to slice you wrists or blow your head up..

Think of your true love.. We all have that one person that when he/she touches you or says your name you're stomach does fucking back flips..

When there wonderful eyes meet yours and you both blush and look away..

How there hand fits perfectly in yours.. Or likewise.

How if you ever leave th or this world .. That they would be heart broken and kill themselves to just feel your touch again..

Think of your rock and how that one person had always been there for you.

Stay strong...

Stay beautiful...

And stay faithful...

I love you

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