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Ok so I want you all to do this for me ... One question I have for every person on this whole site !!!

What is the actual meaning of true love?

I want to see if I'm actually in love with a guy.. So I need all of your help!!! Please!?

I want any kind of answer please!!! My best friend / brother, cousin, another friend have answered and here are there perspectives.


The meaning of True Love.

"True love is when you put others needs in front of your own, and you constantly try to make them laugh when there sad and when you can't you stay with them all day and try to cheer them up. It means when you spend time with each other an you know you could spend the rest of your life with them . Because they are perfect and you will never stop loving them."

My best friend

Michael Chelson

"True love is when you never give up on them no matter how much they try to push you out your never going to leave there side because you know that you both couldn't live without each other."

My cousin/ best friend

Colt Heart

"True love is when me and her kiss and I can never get enough of her. It's when her and I just sit in silence and hear all the emotion and love in the air. It's when there always on your mind and when you see them .. The whole world stops and looks at their perfection. That's what I feel when I'm with her"

- Unknown

" You can love a lot of people in this world but there is always that one that you love more then anybody else. When you find that person never let them go. And you may ask 'how can you tell the difference between who you love and your true love?' But baby ... You just know."


"True love is when you can't get them out of your head. You think about them non stop and you feel there presence when you feel lost and alone.. When your crying and they know exactly what to say. When you want to end everything or cut up your body and they take the blades and pain away.. They're the only ones keeping you on this earth. When they can brighten your day just by flashing there perfect smile or holding there warm hands in yours..

When you and them kiss and your whole world stops.. That's what true love is in my eyes.." And I think I'm in love guys :)

Chealsity Moreno

Come on people!? Tell me about your true love how when they hold you your heart does back flips !! When he kisses your cheek and you blush like crazy!! Or when she blushes and you feel embarrassed as well but you just go for it and surrender all to her ..

Come on .. Tell me what true love means to you .. You have a week and I will publish my top 5 favorite ones!! Win my heart guys!!


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