Fix yourself??

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Fix yourself?


You're not alone.


You're not alone.


You're not alone.


You're not alone.

People think

they are alone,

When in reality

You're just a different tone.

You have problems?

It's okay we all do

Some people

May have more then you.

When you're

Felling like shit,

Don't worry

It will get better in a little bit.

Just wait it out

And calm down,

It will fix itself

And you will finally resound.

Here is my perspective....

You say

you know me.

But how can you know me,

When I don't even know myself.

I am what I am.

Whatever that might be...

I know it's me.

And I won't change for anybody,

I will not confide to society.

If I'm wrong just tell me right now,

Because if I am

I will stop saying my opinion out loud.

But I believe that we are all different.

And is that such a bad thing?

People are afraid of what they don't understand.

Does that mean that just because some dumbass can't understand my reasons that I have to change?

No.. In fact.. Hell no..

People are different why can't they comprehend that?

That even though we may not look like you or act like you we are able to do the same damn things.

I wish they would just stop being stuck up and thinking were in the wrong.

They have no right to judge our actions or appearance cuz they don't know us..

We are all our own person and if you can't understand that..

And you chose to call us names like "weird, gay, ugly, lesbo, or fat? "

Then you can take that to your grave..

That you killed an innocent person,

Just because he was gay..

If you can't help yourself because you have no self control.

Then you can have my dead torn up lifeless soul.

If you fake righteousness your whole life and you say that they "sin"...

We'll you just hate her because she's a lesbian..

If you just absolutely can't understand..

You have our suicides blood on your hands..


Not gay or a lesbian but there's been a lot of controversy with that shit.. I do cut and I am suicidal ... But I want every one out there to know that you're not alone.. I'm here for you and I love you all..

You're beautiful and unique in your own way.. I don't want to lose any of you ..

Stay strong

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