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Zayn sat at his desk scrolling through the photos he has recently taken. He liked them very much, they are some of the best he has ever taken. But still, it wasn't her, they are not pictures taken by him of her, so they aren't perfect. It frustrates Zayn when he thinks about all the people who have been given the opportunity to shoot with the girl he wants. For months now Zayn has tried his hardest to get her attention. He comments under her post, messages her on her social media sites asking to work with her, but he gets nothing in response. Though Zayn knows she is busy and probably only works with people she knows, he is hopeful she'll notice him and accept his many offers. 

He huffed and pushed his chair away from his desk. He moved around on the chair to retrieve his phone that is charging on his bedside table. He logged onto his Instagram and checked his notifications. He ignored them since none were from her, instead he went straight to her profile to see if she had posted anything today, and she did. It was a full body picture of her wearing short shorts and a hoodie.

Zayn groans to himself at the picture. He loves how her skin glows, he loves the perfect shape of her lips, he loves how confident she is. He wants nothing more than to see her in real life...Well Zayn actually has seen her in real life, multiple times, just not formally.

When Zayn stumbled upon Valencia's pictures on Instagram he thought she was the most beautiful girl ever. He was so determined to find out who exactly she was, and when he did he couldn't help but become so infatuated with her beauty. Nothing could stop him from getting her, from making her, his. He just hasn't been lucky with things lately, and that made him more frustrated with things than he already was.

But Zayn was able to find out everything about Valencia months ago. It only took his friend, Marvin, fifteen minuets to find her address, her phone number, and  where she goes to on a day-to-day basis.Zayn founded it weird, yet oddly fascinating that his friend could detect such information in such a short amount of time. And Zayn knew not to judge, he was lucky too, they both live in New York city, her apartment was actually thirty minuets away from his, so he goes to watch her often. For three months, Zayn felt peace when he got to see her. He would wait for her to get home sometimes if he knew she was out, and sometimes late at night he would stay across the street and look into her open windows and capture as many shots of her he could.

Zayn doesn't feel like he is really doing anything wrong, at least that is what he says to himself. He isn't a peeping tom, he doesn't think he is a stalker, he is just a guy who goes the extra mile for the girl her wants.

Zayn sets his phone down and gets up from is chair. He grabs his leather jacket, and grabs his camera from its case and heads out his apartment door to his car. He drove the thirty minuets to Valencia's apartment and parked in the same place he always does. He stays a block away from her building and walks around the corner, he leans up against the tree right next to the building and plays around with his camera, he makes sure that his night vision is on, and takes a few test shots. He looks up to see if any lights are on in her apartment, none are and zayn assumes she must not be home,or sleeping. Zayn huffs and checks his watch to see it is only ten, she could be asleep, but he thinks she could be out with some friends, he hopes it's the latter because he wants to get some pictures of her tonight.

Chatter can be heard and Zayn twist his head to the right of him. He chooses to ignore it until he is able to make out the voices of the people who are talking as they come closer, and closer. It's a man and women, but he recognizes the females voice, the voice he thinks to be the most calming of them all. It's Valencia, and she is holding hands with a man.

"Did you have fun tonight?" the man ask her.

"Yeah, it was fun," she answers back.

Neither of the two have noticed Zayn yet, but oh was he watching and listening alright.

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