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It has been a nine days since Valencia and Zayn had any sort of contact with one another. All Zayn could do this past week was think and worry. And as for Valencia, she often thought about Zayn, but still she went on with her life. As hard as it was for Zayn, he didn't go to her place at all. He didn't chase after he that night,and  he hasn't gone to watch her during the night.

The instant separation from her is driving Zayn mad. He has barely ate, slept, gone outside, or taken any pictures. Not being able to see Valencia was beginning to push him to the breaking point. He has been so use to seeing her and now interacting with her. But he blew it, and he didn't try to make things better when he should have.

Zayn is in the need for a big distraction. He had a few options, but he felt like trying something new. Being desperate like he is, he grabbed his phone and called the number on the paper. Zayn's legs bounced up and down, and after the third ring a soft voice spoke.

"Hello?" Lauren sayed.

"Lauren?" Zayn asked, his voice staying surprisingly calm.

"This is she," Lauren responded.

"Uh, hi, this is Zayn, Marvin gave me your number," Zayn coughed a little.

"Oh yes! Hi, Zayn," Lauren laughs through the phone, Zayn smiling at it, "Marvin gave me your number too, he is always trying to play matchmaker."

"Ha yeah. But um I was wondering, would you wanna hang out tonight, or are you busy?" he asks, the nervousness he's been feeling all week creeping up on him. 

"Um yeah sure, why not? It would be nice to know what you look like," she tells him. But Zayn did mot know that, that same night Marvin gave her Zayn's number she looked him up on instagram just like he did, and she stared at his picture in awe.

"Alright cool. How about drinks later? You're 21, right?"

"Ha yes I am. Drinks sounds good, um I have to go but text me where you wanna meet up at. Bye, Zayn."

"Bye Lauren," Zayn says and once he hangs up the phone he smiles to himself, feeling a little better.

He quickly messages Lauren to meet him at the Rail around 8 pm. Of course when Zayn began to feel better, and wasn't thinking about the negative in his life, he thought of Valencia. He couldn't help but feel more guilt. Guilt because he was about to go out with another woman. Guilt because he wasn't with her, cherishing her.

Zayn slams his hands down on table in front of him. The feeling of frustration and confusion heating him up. His addiction with Valencia has been making him mad. He just doesn't want to worry, he doesn't wanted to be confused all the time. But because of her he is changing, he is feeling the old feeling he once had for another.


When Zayn walked into the Rail, he quickly spotted Lauren sitting at a wooden table by herself. Her brown hair stops just at her shoulder, and she was wearing glasses, and a purple top that went well with her light tanned skin. Zayn approached the table and Lauren's bright, brown eyes locked with Zayn's.

"Lauren," he says.

"Zayn," she responds to him, laughing. "It's nice to finally meet you," she says, standing to hug Zayn.

Zayn is surprised by the hug, but reacts quickly by hugging her back. "Yeah it's nice to see you in person."

"Um I've been here for a little while so I'm already drinking, sorry," she tells him.

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