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Zayn lied down on his bed thinking alone to himself. He wondered what Valencia could be doing, if she's okay, and if it would be okay to go back to her house. When Lily walked through his home a sudden switch flipped in his head. He kicked Lily out, which resulted in her cussing him out, but he didn't care. It didn't feel right to him.

His hands itched for his phone. He wanted to call Valencia and make sure everything was okay. He doesn't know much about her family, but by the looks of it her mother seemed mad. His mind had been on their conversation for the past hour, he just wanted some type of conformation. He didn't want to feel frustrated anymore.

Zayn's phone started ringing from his bed side table. He thought about ignoring it, but when he checked the caller ID he shot up and answered immediately.

"Hello?" he answers.

Through the other end of the line Valencia was laying in bed, drained from her argument with her mother. Valencia wanted nothing more than to sleep it off but her mind kept wondering back to Zayn.

"Hey," she answers back gently.

"Is everything okay? I was worried about you," he tells her truthfully. He gets up from his bed and begins to get ready. Even if Valencia wasn't going to ask him to come over, he was going to see her anyway.

"Yeah, my mom just irritates me," she whispers through the phone.

"Well what happened, baby?" he questions her.

The unusually pet name gave her a weird sensation in her stomach, and it made her smile through her irritation. Zayn paced around his room gathering his things together. He grabbed the small box with the cameras and headed out his home still on the phone with Valencia.

"She just," she begins and sighs heavily. She wanted to get things off her chest but she felt it was too soon to talk about those things with Zayn. "She irritates me is all, and she makes me feel bad about things and I don't know I just can't deal with her anymore. Am I a bad person for not wanting to talk to her?"

Zayn thought for a moment before speaking up, "No, you're not a bad person. If your mom is doing or saying things to make you feel bad then you are not obligated to talk to her. Just because she is your mother doesn't mean you have to listen to her, not if she is hurting you."

Valencia soaks in what he says. He is right. She should not be obligated to have a relationship with her mother. Especially if she has been abusive to her for as long as she can remember. She knows it is hard to think about what her parent, mainly her mother, have put her through. And that is enough to push someone to end their toxic relationship.

"Yeah, you're right, thanks. But anyway, what are you doing?" she asks him.

"I'm on my way over to your place," he bluntly tells her. She laughs but he doesn't say anything else to her.

"Wait, are you serious? Right now?" she questions him sitting up from her bed. She looks at the clock that reads 11:35 pm.

"Yeah I'll be there in about six minutes," he informs her.

She shoots up from her bed. She looks at her reflection in the mirror, she takes note of the dark bags under her puffy, red eyes, her tangled hair, and chapped lips. She was fine in her cozy shorts and tank top, but she needed to make it look like she hasn't been crying for forty-five minuets straight. Holding the phone between her ear and shoulder she turned to her bathroom.

"Um okay, well I'll see you soon?" she tells him, beginning to wash her face.

"Four minuets babe," he yells back at her before hanging up the phone. He was smiling wickedly to himself. They were finally gonna be alone, no interruptions.

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