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  Valencia's POV

I sits in the big airport waiting for my  flight to be called. It's been almost 8 hours since I left her mothers house. I'm is lucky that I was able to find a flight to get back home where I can't be bothered by anyone. I just want to rest my mind and not worry about a single thing. But things just don't always work out like that. So here I am, sitting alone with no one to talk to while my thoughts consume my mind stressing me out.

My phone peeps quietly from my bag and I pull it out. I smile softly when I see that I have a message from Zayn.

Hey, are you busy today?

Yeah I'm stuck at the airport and won't be home til late, what's up?

Damn :( was wanting to know if you wanted to hang later this afternoon, but it's cool. We can get together when you get back.

Of course this gorgeous man wants to hang out when I can't. But I'm still happy he reached out to me, and I will make sure I see him. Who wouldn't want to?

Depending if my flight doesn't get cancelled or delayed I should be home around 9:50, lets go for drinks at 10:30?

Zayn replies quickly, Sounds good, same place as last time?

Sure, see you later :)

Knowing that Zayn was thinking about me and wants to see me again gives me butterflies. It feels good to have someone distract me from all the chaos, especially now. I know I said I just want to be friend mainly because I am not really wanting to move into anything at the moment. But now that Zayn has come along, I'm willing to let him lead the way.


Zayn was smiling ear to ear now that he has made plans to see Valencia again. Though he already knew she wouldn't be home, he still wanted to get her attentiondon so she knows he has been thinking about her. He's always thinking about her, but she doesn't know that.

Since Zayn had lots of time to kill today he grabbed his camera bag and changed into some different clothes. He wanted to scope out new places to have photoshoots. He is always wanting to expand that types of pictures he takes and he believe scenery makes a big impact on a single photo.

Right before Zayn opened the door to leave his phone rang loudly. His mom's contact appeared on the screen. Zayn and his mother have been close his whole life, but when Zayn made some poor decisions his mother grew very disappointed. She would always try and help Zayn the best she could and he grew very annoyed. But Zayn knows his mother just wants the best for him.

Zayn was close with both his parents, but after his father died and it was only him, his mother, and his younger sister Zayn felt like he had a big responsibility to take care of them. His father's death took a big tole on Zayn, though. And he fled home trying to get away from how negative and sad he was, but it only led to some disastrous things.


"Hi, mum."

The line between the two goes quiet for a few seconds. His mother has been calling for weeks but he hasn't answered.

Finally Zayn speaks up first, "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I just wanted to check up on you, you haven't returned any of my calls, son," she says, Zayn can hear how sad she is.

"I'm sorry, I've just been busy," he sighs. Zayn hates lying to his mother, but he doesn't want her to be upset in anyway.

"It's okay, just try sending a text every once in a while? I always worry about you."

"I will," he replies dryly.

"Have you been taking your medicine?" His mother finally asks the most important question she needs an answer to.

Zayn responds quickly, "of course."

Again, he lies to her.

His mother sighs through the phone, "good, how is it working for you?"

"Fine, it's doing it's job. I'm fine," he tells his mother.

Zayn hasn't touched his pill bottles in months. The few drugs he has been prescribed to since he was 20 have bored him. When Zayn was prescribed his medication he felt trapped. He felt like it needed to be kept a secret. He just didn't like the thought of having to rely on pills yo make him act right. To him, they weren't helping, instead they were holding him back.

And as far as taking his medication, he hasn't had any since he first saw Valencia. He believes she has helped keep him sane in someway. But really Zayn has gotten worse. He doesn't act right, he has been stalking a woman who he believes is saving him. Zayn knows how he acts when he doesn't take his medication. It happened last time, and it is slowly happening again.

"I- That's greats son. I'm glad you're doing better," his mother praises.

"Yeah, um I have to go but I'll talk to you soon, bye," Zayn says before his mother can say a  'love you' to him.

Zayn brushes off the sudden memories of what happened. Of what he did. He knows that this isn't the same, that he is different this time. And he believe he won't hurt anyone, especially Valencia.

Zayn looks down to the camera in his hand. To him, photography is therapeutic. It relaxes him and brings him peace. For Zayn, photography isn't just a hobby, it's his escape from all the bullshit surrounding his life. Photography is the only medication he needs.

During the time Zayn and Valencia were waiting to see each other they didn't converse at all. Except Valencia attempted to. But Zayn being the man he is didn't respond. He wanted to leave her curious, he also didn't want to seem clingy at all.

By the time Valencia got home it was already 10 pm and she was too slumped to do anything. She quickly changed plans with Zayn and invited him over to her home. Zayn was ecstatic to say the least. He wad just at her place yesterday, but tonight they'll be alone and together.

Zayn looked in the mirror fixing his messy hair. He wanted to look nice, yet feel comfortable at the same time. Because you never know what will happen. And Zayn is ready for anything.

Zayn quickly drove to the familiar apartment complex and began to feel slightly nervous. No matter how many times he comes here, and no matter how many times he sees Valencia he get nervous. Almost like someone is watching him.


Hello, this is the shortest chapter by far. But y'all can blame @zainslolita she has been distracting me.
Soz if there are lots of typos.

Imma be working on the next update and I will try my hardest to have it done this week.

Like always,

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