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The red lights illuminated the room, embellishing Zayn's face. He sat in his chair, perched in front of his desk that held his computer. He stared at the blank screen waiting for an image to appear on it. Zayn taps his finger on the desk annoyed by how long it is taking to connect to the cameras. The screen glitches for a short second and a view of Valencia's bedroom is displayed. Her room is empty but the bedside light is on. 

He watches eagerly for her to appear in front of the camera. he quickly switches to the living room camera but the room is dark, he can't see a thing. He knows she is home, it's two in the morning, where else could she be? Switching back to the other camera Valencia finally appears next to her bed. He sighs, he feels less tense when he sees her. 

She lays down on her mattress, a sigh of contentment passes her lips. Even after Zayn left she still felt giddy inside. She didn't think she comprehended all that just happened, but it was real. She can't get it out of her mind that she found a man like Zayn. He is caring, outgoing, and compassionate. A good man like him is something she has wanted for the longest time and she has closed herself off but with Zayn things feel natural to her. 

As she falls into a deep slumber Zayn turns off his computer at ease knowing she is okay. He walks out of the room he hides his deepest darkest secrets. Though he is feel with the utmost joy in the world for taking a big step, he is suddenly lost in thought of his past. He walks to the bathroom and opens the cabinet to see the few bottles full of pills he despises. He grabs the bottles in his hands and stares at them. He feels them staring back at him mockingly. 

Over the past couple of years he has done well hiding his past from others, but it comes back and bites him when it gets all bottled up inside. Times like this when he feels full and content he is reminded of the darkness behind it all. When he first met Kayla he grew protective over her much like he is now with Valencia. Already knowing Kayla personally he felt more controlled, but eventually he snapped. It broke his relationship with her and his family. The pills are just a dark reminder of how he ended up where he is now, and though he is slowly beginning to feel happy again he feels that things will happen again, and he is willing to do anything to make sure no one gets in the way of that. 


When I wake up the first thing I do is move to text Valencia. Right after I send the text my phone begins to ring and Lauren's number pops up on my screen. I hesitate for a moment before answering, but I remember how we left things and feel like I owe her an apology.

"Hello," I answer.

"Zayn! Hi, how are you?"

"I'm good." Her cheery tone takes me by surprise. I figured she would sound more serious, sad even.

"That's good. I was wanting to check up on you after we hung out that night. I hope everything is okay, I really would like for us to be friends," she tells me.

Friends? My whole life I didn't have many friends, and no one ever approached me first to be my friend. But something is different about Lauren. Something doesn't quite feel right.

"I'm fine, thanks. Um yeah I would like that," I tell her.

I don't see Lauren having any sort of bad intentions. She seems too nice. Too nice to have me as a friend. And God knows the only person I need in my life is Valencia.


"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked if you would like to help me out today with a photoshoot, it's at seven tonight. Will you come?" she asks, she sounds a little hopeful.

"Um sure, I'm free."

Truthfully I don't want to go. I want to stay home and be with my girlfriend.
Girlfriend. I could say it all day now that it's true.

"Okay, I'm excited to work with you! I'll text you the details about it later. Bye," she says and hangs up.

I thought I would like Lauren, but she seems a little too cheery for me. I don't mind when Valencia is like that, though. She actually puts me in a better mood.

I text Valencia and tell her about my shoot tonight and ask if she wants to tag along. Sadly she declines but brings up getting together after, which I of course take her up on her offer. It feels good to be able to talk to her and work out plans to see her. It feels normal. I feel normal.

For once I don't have to decide what time I should go over to Valencia's house to watch her. I don't have to decide if I want to watch her wake up or go to bed. I can talk to her face to face. I can feel like I've done something right for once. I can finally say that my plans have worked out.

I can finally say that I didn't screw shit up. Well. Not yet, at least.


This is soooooo mf short but I NEEDED to update.
In currently trying to survive work and school so yeah.

I'll update again soon with a. WAY LONGER chapter.


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