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"Zayn, hi come in!" Valencia says excitedly. She opens the door wider for Zayn to walk through.

As soon as Zayn told her he would be over soon, and she gave him the directions he didn't need, she changed clothes to look more presentable. Valencia was a little nervous thinking about having Zayn over, but she was still excited and now that he's here she is nervous.

Zayn looks around the cozy living room that is connected to the kitchen. This part of her home is still foreign for him but it is just how he imagined it to be. She has family photos on the walls, a black, leather couch, a small tv hanging on the wall and a painting of Frida Kahlo on the wall by the tv.

"Um would you like something to drink? I have water, beer, and juice?" Valencia always remembered to be nice and polite to people.

"A beer is fine," he answers back to her. 

Zayn can't help but stare at Valencia's ass as she bends down to grab the beer for him. She hands him the beer and takes one for herself. Zayn takes it from her, murmuring a small thank you.

"So um I'll just give you a little tour. This is the kitchen, obviously, and my living room," she tells him and guides them both down her hallway," this is just an empty closest, this is the second bathroom, the spare bedroom, and finally this is my room." Valencia opens the door to her room and the both walk in. The room that Zayn was just in a fee days ago still looks the same. He looks around, staring at her pictures, her lamp, and even her bed.

"This is cute," he tells her.

She laugh, "thanks. So um we can just go chill in the living room," she tell him.

"Bummer, we could have lots of fun in here," he tells her giving her a small wink on the way out of her room. Valencia's cheeks flush and she shakes the thoughts out of her head.

"So what do you wanna-" as Valencia was talking a loud rip filled the air and a breeze kissed Valencia's thigh. She looks down and sees that her jeans ripped when she was beginning to sit down on the couch.

Valencia felt embarrassed as her and Zayn looked at the rip from her inner thigh. This has happened to her before, but not while she had a man sitting right next to her. Valencia doesn't say anything to Zayn and doesn't look at him.

"I- um just excus-" but before she could finish she heard another rip But this time it wasn't from her. She looked at Zayn who was now standing right next to her and he has a rip in his jeans.

"Welp, my jeans ripped too," he says.

Valencia looked at Zayn baffled He in no way, shape, or form was mocking her. But instead he was basically telling her that it's okay, it happens. Valencia didn't really know what to say to Zayn, but she she knows the message he was sending to her.

"You really just did that?"

"Yeah well they're just jeans," he shrugs.
"I-I well I-"

"You can change if you want," he reassures her.

Valencia gives him a small smile and excused herself to her room. She takes a few deep breathes and shakes off what happened. Of course this had to happen to her right now. Her whole life she has struggled with her weight and the constant name calling from people, but she grew comfortable in her skin. And what Zayn did made her feel even more comfortable around him. A man has never done something like that just to make her feel better.

After she quickly changed into some different pants and walks out her room feeling more calm than she sees Zayn staring at her painting of Frida.

"You like Frida?" she asks.

"Yeah. She is amazing. And she was a total badass," he tells her.

Valencia laughs, "yeah she was a big role model for me when I was younger," she tells him, "actually I grew up wanting to be a painter just like her and I wasn't half bad. I don't really paint anymore, but I have lots of love and appreciation for the art."

"Do you have any pieces I can look at?"

"Yeah, this one," she tells him nodding to the painting of Frida.

Zayn looks shocked for a second. But he believes that she did it. He can see Valencia in the painting. He sees her in the stars, the flowers and even the different colors that blend so easily together on the canvas. It is such a beautiful painting that is simply representing a beautiful woman.

"Wow this is amazing," he praises, "what made you stop?"

"Thanks, and life just handed me a big opportunity and I took advantage of it," she says back. "What made you get into photography?" she asks.

Zayn had to think about it for a moment, "it was just one of those things that kinda happened, ya know? My friend had one and I played around with it for a while and grew very attached to it. I'm glad it did happen, photography isn't just some silly hobby, it has a deeper meaning to it. Each picture I take has it's own story that I get to share."

Valencia thought about it for a moment, we all have are own passions. Everyone has something they love more than anything. And everything has it's own deep meaning.
"Well you're very good at it," she tells him.

"Thank you," he tells her looking right at her eyes.

The two don't share a word, they just stare into each other's eyes.

"You know the saying eyes are the gateway to the soul or mind or whatever?"

Zayn replies, "yeah."

"Well I'm trying to see you. Trying to read what you want and who you are," she tells him hoping he doesn't think she sounds crazy.

"Good luck with that," he laughs. "But I can read what your soul and what you want," he says, inching closer to her.

"Yeah, what's that?"

"That you're just a woman, who is so caring and loving and wants there to only be good in the world, you're too precious for anyone," he tells her. "You also want me to kiss you."

Valencia doesn't say anything back to Zayn for a moment, taking in his words.

"Well then do it," she tells him. Zayn doesn't wait a second before his lips meet Valencia's.

The two keep still for a moment, both needing to comprehend this. Valencia wants a man that will cherish her, but she is hesitant with letting them in her life so easily. But Zayn hasn't given her a reason to not give him a chance. Zayn can't believe that all he has wanted for so long is finally falling into place for him this time.

Surprisingly Zayn is the first to bring the short and simple kiss to an end.

"It's getting late, I should head home," he tells her.

Valencia looks at the clock on her wall and sees that it's almost midnight.

"Yeah you're right."

"When can I see you again?"

"Whenever you're free," she replies to him.

"How about Friday? Dinner, let's say, six?"

"Sounds perfect," she smiles at him.

Zayn leans to give her a kiss on her cheek.

"I'll message you later," he says before walking out her door leaving her a smiling mess and eager for Friday to come.


Hola. So I had this whole chapter written an hour ago but I accidentally deleted it so I rewrote it and it's not as good at the first draft :(
Sorry for any typos I'm done with this chapter lmao.

Y'all, I still got this done. But anyway Zayn is so sweet but crazy on the low Um and also imma start working on chapter nine!

Anyway, enjoy!

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