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Zayn's POV

Even if I wanted to I can't keep this smile off my face. And the happiness I felt once long ago is now a normal feeling for me again. For once in so long I am genuinely happy, someone is making me happy. I thought that Valencia was already fulfilling the emptiness in my life, until now. Now I realize the role she is playing and how deeply I feel for her.

My actions over the past few months have helped me get to this point. I don't regret what I have done, and what I will do. All that I have done and will continue to do has been for her. I admit to being selfish at times, like tonight when I took her vulnerable state to my advantage to kiss her and ask her out. But it's for the good of her. And the way her soft lips met mine and moved in sync with me helped push me to the edge.

The same old route to Marvin's is short. I know exactly what I want and I know he can supply it for me. This would have been tricky to do before, but now that I can get into her home, everything works out.

I pull up in front of Marvin's place and walk through the front door and go straight to the basement.

"Yo," I say. Marvin is sitting in front of his computers, as usual, the outline of his body and 'fro being the only thing I can see.

"Z man, what's up bro?" he says, turning around in his chair to face me.

"I was wondering, do you have cameras? Like tiny ones that can be stuck on or in objects? It's for a new project I'm working on."

"Hell yeah, bro, I got you," he stands from his seat and walks over to a small, metal case and opens it. "What size you need?" he holds the case to me.

I look through the five of them and grab the smallest two. They are black, and as big as a raisin.

"So I can just stick them to anything and it will work?" I ask.

"Yeah, you see this clear tape? Pull it off and this tiny, tiny, button you just push in and you're set," he instructs.

"Bet, thanks man."

"No problem. You wanna chill for awhile? We haven't actually talked you've just been running around like a maniac," he laughs.

It has been a while since we actually just sat and talked. I feel bad because all I have been doing lately is asking him for favors.

"Sure man," I tell him.

"You wanna roll one up?" he ask.

"I got you," I tell him. I sit down on the couch and pull out the wooden box from under the couch. Since we first met we use to come her almost everyday and smoke. Marvin would do some dumb shit while I just watched and laughed. That was before I found Valencia. Before I was happy.

I tightly roll the joint, something I became a pro at easily. I lit the joint and take a puff before handing it to Marvin.

"So man, how's that girl doing?" he asks.

"Which one?" he laughs at my comment and I smirk.

"Whatever, but for real the one who's phone I had to hack and turn on her mic." he stares at me.

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