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Zayn is frustrated beyond belief. The same guy he had a photo shoot with, who also rescheduled to today, bumped the appointment later on in the day. It was an inconvenience for Zayn since he could be doing something else, like following Valencia and getting new pictures for his gallery. He hasn't spoken to Valencia in a few days, his time mainly consisted of him following her around, per usual.

So Zayn did what he has been wanting to do, he finally began to message Valencia again on instagram. He messaged a simple good morning and he sat, patiently waiting for some reply, which just came in as he wondered what she could be doing.

Good morning, zayn.

He replied, how are you?

I'm good, just doing some of my daily yoga.

He knew it, she always does yoga in the morning, he's watched her numerous times.

Sounds nice, are you busy today? He ask.

No not really, are you?

Valencia was doing all that she could to occupy her mind of the news she had received of her uncle. She didn't want to admit it, but it was beginning to way her down.

I'm not busy right now. Zayn answered.

Valencia needed to get out of her house. She needed a distraction and she wondered if Zayn could help, so she took her chance.

We should hang out, today, and do whatever.

Zayn was completely in shock. Something he is use to, especially because of her. It is without a doubt that Zayn wants to meet up with her. It's a normal thing. He doesn't have to follow her around and pretend to be shock to see her. He doesn't have to hide from her and admire from a distance. He has an opportunity to do it right now, today, an invitation directly from her. And he is not going to pass it up.

But then the thought crossed his mind. He has one of the most important shoots to do in an hour. He had to come up with something quick because he is not going to stand this girl up, but this is his carer and this is a major shoot for him. He has to decided between the girl of his dreams or his job.


Valencia sat alone at the bar that her and Zayn agreed to meet at. Zayn told her to meet her there at 7:30 pm and it was already 7:52pm. Valencia wondered if this man was really about to stand her up. She felt a little embarrassed, but most of all hurt. She is in no way, shape, or form attached already to thia man. But she didn't think of him to be one to leave a woman sitting alone.

Valencia sighed and stood from her chair, she downed the rest of her drink and made her way to the door. Right when she put her had on the knob the door flew open, reliving a wide-eyed Zayn.

"Valencia," he said trying to catch his breath since he ran from his car parked almost a block away to the bar. "I'm so sorry I'm late. I was gonna message you to let you know but I just got caught up in something really important." Zayn was lucky that he got there just in time. If he left a minuet later he wouldn't have been able to stop her. He felt like shit for being late, but he needed to get the photoshoot done and over with. The singer that Zayn shot for was actually an okay dude, he thought, and wanted to do more with Zayn. Zayn had to cut things short with the singer to get here, and he's happy he did.

"I-um," Valencia doesn't know what to say to the dark haired man. She feels like calling him out for leaving her waiting for so long, but she wants to know why he was late. "Well what were you doing?"

"Come inside and we can talk about it," he said. He was trying to hide his smirk since he knew she wouldn't deny the offer. He could tell that she was upset with him and he hated himself for that. He feels like in a way he let her down and he never wants to do that.

Thinking about it, Valencia caves into the beautiful man before her. "Fine," she says and he leads the way.

Zayn picks out a table in the corner of the dimly lit room right next to the wide window. He pulls out the chair for Valencia and her cheeks warm up.

"Thank you," she murmurs.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks, what would you like?" Zayn ask.

Valencia has never been a big drinker, but she knows that to get through the night she'll need to drink something. "Gin and tonic," she replies. He smiles at her and walks off.

While Zayn's back is turned to her she quickly pulls out her phone and checks her appearance in her phone camera, making sure her hair and light makeup is still intact. As she moves her eyes to Zayn she sees him turning to face her and she tries to hide her phone and her stare. She smiles wide to herself. He is way too gorgeous.

Zayn is beginning to feel anxious. He doesn't say stupid. He doesn't want any of his secrets to slip. He doesn't want to ruin anything. But he swallows the feeling raising in him and pushes aside the thoughts. He won't focus his night on the negative. He is gonna focus on making Valencia his.

He sat back down in front of Valencia and handed her, her drink. They both shared bright smiles. "Here's to new friends," Zayn says and they cheers.

"So what were you doing that was more important than me?" she ask smirking.

"Well as you know I am a photographer and I had a really important client I needed to shoot today," Zayn's says.

Valencia feels bad for almost leaving. She didn't accuse him of anything, and even if he wasn't doing what he says he was she has no right to ve mad at him. But she knows that work is important, especially for Zayn since it's his only way of income.

"Wow. I'm sorry for almost leaving, I thought you stood me up," he reveals.

Zayn laughs, "why would I do that?"

"I don't know, we barley know each other," she says to him.

"Well that's why we're here right? To get to know each other," he tells her taking a sip from his drink. "I think we'll be good friends," Zayn smirks to her.

"Yeah?" she ask. She doesn't have many friends here in New York but she is really hoping Zayn can be one of them.

"Yeah," he confirms for her.

Zayn feels accomplished. Little by little he is beginning to break down her barrier and get to see what is actually inside the caring woman he is so desperate for.

As for Valencia she knows nothing about Zayn except for one of his passions. And it's not the burning desire he has for her. She has no idea what she is getting herself into. She isn't one to open up easily, especially not to men considering how the ones in her past have treated her, but she looks at Zayn, admiring all of him. She takes in his dark hair, thick beard, beautiful eyes, she even notices the little freckle. She wants to get caught up with a man like him. But only if she knew.

The night continues on for the two youths. They ask questions, getting to know each other more like they want to. Zayn feels like he is now closer to Valencia. She is more than he believed to know. And as for Valencia, well he was easily getting her mind off things, which she is grateful for, and she is amazed by the spontaneous​ life Zayn is living. She knows he is going to be a good friend for her.

So I took forever to update
(nothing new) but here it is. I am sorry this chapter isn't that interesting, but it's like okay since they're getting close??? But this is short and uneventful :(
I promise this is gonna get better!
What y'all think is gonna happen??

Anyway, enjoy!

Watch- ZMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon