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I just want to say something really quick. So much is going on all over the world right now and I feel so heartbroken. My thoughts are with everyone affected by what has/is happening in Manchester, Syria, Philippines, Jakarta, and Bangkok. If anyone needs to talk I am always free.

"I'm such a fucking idiot," Zayn says aloud to himself as he punches a deep hole into the wall in his bedroom. "Fuck," he curses holding his red hand in his other.

Zayn has been bantering with himself for that last hour. He didn't understand why he had to fuck up while talking to Valencia. It was just all too much for him. This is only his second time talking to her and he is still blown away by her. He should've said more to her. He wanted to say more to her, but he held himself back too much from getting what he wants.
What Zayn really wanted to do was ask Valencia more questions, maybe even get her number, or ask to work with her. He knows that she would say yes because she has no heart to let people down. But he still can't quite muster up the courage to do so. He hasn't even been back in any of his social medias because he will be too tempted to try and message her again.

But Zayn couldn't hold it anymore. He grabbed his phone with his bruised hand, unbothered by the pain, and went to Valencia's instagram profile. She has posted three new pictures, all of which made Zayn smile. Two of the three were selfies and the latest was a full body picture of her in a swimsuit. Zayn stares at the lone photo of the thick, brown woman, wanting nothing more than to be by her side at the moment.

Zayn loved how comfortable Valencia is in her own skin. He loves how liberated and free she feels, he knows what kind of role model she is for others and that made him proud. He is proud of his girl. Well she wasn't his girl. Not yet, he thought, but soon.

All these thoughts about Valencia and Zayn's future with her flooded his mind. He knows that he needs to try harder to reach his goal. And he knows that Valencia maybe freaked out if she ever found out that he has been watching her for months, but he does what he does for her. Everything is for her. Zayn dedicates his time to make sure she is okay, and he hopes that she can look past his flaws and his mistakes to see the good he has done.

Zayn takes a screenshot of the picture to have it printed later. His finger hovers over the heart on the screen, indicating that he wants to like the picture. He doesn't know of it's too soon and maybe she'll see ot and get suspicious. But Zayn remembers what he wants. And he has to keep trying to get that. So he likes the picture and goes to leave a comment. Zayn plays it cool, acting surprised that he stumbled across her account, and that she should message him. Zayn even went and unfollowed and refollowed her, and deleted the past messages he has sent to her. Now satisfied with himself he sits back and waits for any reaction.

Minuets passed and the impatient, brown man got bored. He remembers the pictures he captured of his love early and went to develope them. But in that split second of him moving to his locked room, his phone signaled he has a notification. Truthfully Zayn's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't want to get ahead of himself. But when he unlocked his phone and saw that Valencia had followed him back he couldn't help but jump into the air.

The charming girl was on Instagram at the moment and ironically going through her notifications when Zayn popped up she had accidentally clicked on him. She never checks her notifications, really. She didn't know he was, his user name was his name spelled backwards. But as she scrolled through the beautiful pictures he had she came across the one, and only, selfie he had on his profile. She couldn't help but admit, once again, to herself how undeniable handsome he is.

Valencia quickly followed back the man she barely knows. She kept looking through his pictures he has taken. She remembered how he said he has a camera, she wondered if he was a professional photographer because he had pictures of some famous artist that she knew of. Curiosity got the best of her and she decided that she would message Zayn.
What she didn't know was that Zayn was still in shock, he couldn't explain what he was feeling. All he knew was that he is getting somewhere. He is getting closer to her day by day.

While Zayn's mind was jumbled with thoughts all around Valencia was sending a message to the bewildered man that will only excite him even more.

As the woman hit sent on her screen she waited patiently for Zayn to reply. Zayn felt his phone buzz in his hands and when he saw that Valencia messaged him, he thought he was going to faint. He couldn't believe it, so much was happening at once.

  Zayn! LOL, this is so ironic, how did you find me on here?! BTW, like the user niazkilam it's creative. 

Zayn read the message over and over. It was actually her. She actually messaged him. She remembers him. HE began to type frantically on his screen. 

Hey, Valencia. I just stumbled across your account randomly! And thanks, it's just something I do 😝

Wow what a small world, I guess. But I'm glad you found me.

Yeah I guess it is. I'm glad I found you, too.

The two didn't text more that that. Valencia didn't know how to keep the conversation going and Zayn didn't want to push things. The two young ones carried on their night, both wearing smiles.


Valencia woke up in the middle of the night from her phone ringing. She saw her mothers number flashing on the screen and she quickly answered it.

"Mami, what's wrong?" Valencia sits up, hearing heavy breathing through the line.

"Mija, it's your tio," he mother sobs. The mention of her uncle makes her stomach twist. As far as she knew, he was no family to her. "He's dead," her mother says.

He's dead. He is finally dead.

Is all the young woman could say to herself. She zoned out her mothers voice, distracted by the ones in her head. She feels like she should be remorseful, because no one should die, oh but does she hope that it was painful.

"Mija, are you okay?" her mother ask.

"Yes, mami. I'm okay," Valencia answers back in a hushed tone.

She isn't mad at her mother for telling her about her mothers brother. Her mother never knew about what had happened. But she thought maybe her mother can leave her alone about him being dead if she shows little to no interest in the situation.

"I'm gonna go mimis ma, we'll talk in la mañana," Valencia ends.

"Night, te quiero."

Valencia ends the call, still emotionless from the news. All these years she had learned to deal with what happened, she has learned to forget and move on and be happy again. But with the slightest mention of the man that ruined her life, she felt like she is slowly entering back into that deep, dark hole that she once escaped. Her now once good night turned into a day of bad memories.


Buenos nachos!
This is hella over due but my lazy ass got it done. I've been so busy with school finals but now I'm done! Ya girl passed all her classes...barely.
But expect more frequent updates, hopefully. I still have work :(

Well I hope this is going okay so far. Y'all will get to see more of what has happened/is happening in Valencia's life.

Okay anyway,


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