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Zayn and Valencia took Zayn's unexpected visit and turned it into their own getting to know each other date. They didn't need anything other than the other's company to consider this a redo of last friday.

"Do you have any siblings?" Zayn asks taking a sip of his beer.

"Yeah, two they're both younger than me," she tells him, "you?" she questions back.

"I have one younger sister," Zayn says, smiling to himself as memories of him and his family flash through his mind. He really does miss them, but he still distances himself from them.

"What's your family like?" he wonders, wanting to know who she is more like, her mother or her father.

"They're crazy, I'm the normal one in the group," she tells him and they both laugh. "It's funny now but if you met them, you will understand that I am not exaggerating," she laughs again.

"Well everyone's family is a little crazy, but I believe you." Zayn laughs, and stares around the well kept apartment. He suddenly remembers the cameras he got and makes a mental note to bring them next time.

As the two sit in silence Zayn can't help but stare at Valencia. She catches him from the corner of her eye and blushes. Mustering up the courage she speaks.

"So what are we?"

Zayn is a little taken back, they never actually said anything to one another about being a couple. It simple never came up, they just went on a date and though they have a mutual feeling for one another, it still isn't something they talked about.

"We can be whatever you want us to be," he tells her.

The inevitable was about to happen to the two. And though Zayn may have the upper hand with most things concerning the two, he wants her to take the lead. He wants her to guide them, and he doesn't want to push it.

Valencia sits quiet for a moment, pondering what's on her plate at the moment. She has promised herself to stray away from relationships at the moment, but then again in the beginning Zayn made her feel like saying fuck it. She thinks about the type of person she would love to have as a significant other, and Zayn fits well. He doesn't push anything on her, he doesn't try to control her or anything she does, and he clearly supports her. He was the perfect guy, or so she thinks, and after their night out he did leave her taken aback. She didn't want someone who tried to fight her battles for her, but it seems like that was made clear between the too.

She glances at Zayn who is already staring back at her. She thinks about the way her treats her, the way he makes her laugh, the way he makes her feel comfortable, and the way he makes her feel happy. It's a feeling she never felt often with a person.

In between mid-thought Zayn leans into Valencia, gently kissing her. She responds quickly, letting Zayn rake his hands down to her hips and push her back to lay flat on the couch. Valencia lets her hands roam freely, slowly exploring the rough edges of his body. Valencia laughs in the middle of their kiss.  She has not given an answer to him about their relationship status. It's just a mess right now.

Valencia bites her lip as Zayn gives her an odd look. She begins to speak about how she feels about him until a loud knock echos through her home.

"Vale! Open the door now!" Valencia shoots up and butts heads with Zayn. The booming sound of her mothers voice startled her, and made her scared a little.

"What is she doing here," She asks herself. Zayn looks confused for a moment, rubbing his head from the impact.

"Who is it?"

"My mother," she huffs.

"Oh shit," he says, "I thought she didn't live here."

"She doesn't, that's why I'm scared," Valencia tells him.

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