Chapter 2

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When we entered the building, we all went straight to our classes.

The first one I had was Math and so did Seokjin, so we both went to class together.

We sat at the last row at the end of the classroom.

"Hey why don't you ask out one of the girls in this class, like that one or that one over there?" Seokjin asked me pointing out at different girls.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not ready to date another girl yet." I told him about to scream.

"Fine." seokjin said giving up.

That's when the teacher,Mr. Chang,came into the class.

"Good morning everyone. My name is Mr. Chang and I would like to introduce a student that has moved here from Guri. Please introduce yourself to them."

"Hello, my name is Jihyo. It's very nice to meet you." She said in a kind voice.

"Hey, isn't she nice" Seokjin whispered to me.

"Don't you dare Seokjin" I whispered to him.

"Sorry." He said and turned back to the teacher.

Mr.Chang told Jihyo to sit beside me,so she walked to the empty table next to me and sat down.

"Hello Jihyo,my name is Seokjin and this is my best friend Namjoon." Seokjin said out of nowhere.

"Hi Jihyo, its very nice to meet you." I said to her.

"It's very nice to meet you too." She said.

"Hey do you want to eat lunch with us and our other friends." Seokjin asked her.

"Sure, I'd love to. Is that ok with you Namjoon?" she asked me.

"Yeah, sure." I told her.
"Okay then." She said right before the Math lesson started.

She is nice and I have to admit, she is very pretty.

I might actually like her,but I don't think I can date her.

I'm not ready yet, we'll just see what happens.

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