Chapter 12

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Omg, thank you so much for 415 reads. I'm so glad that you like my story.
So here is a new update.
Thank you again😁

We were all about to dose of to sleep since it's one in the morning.

Yoongi still never woke up.

I sat on the chair and slowly closed my eyes,
when the nurse suddenly came.

I shot up from my seat and went to her.

" Yoongi has woke up. You can go see him now" she said.

We all had smiles on our faces and rushed into the room.

" Yoongi" we all yelled and yoongi smiling at us.

" We all ran to him and hugged him.

" How are you feeling" I asked.

" I'm okay now" he said.

" You still look like you're in pain" tae said.

" I'm still in a little pain, but I'll be alright" he said.

" What happened with jun and his friends" he asked.

" We don't know. Hopefully the nurse said something to the principal about them" seokjin said.

" Hey yoongi, you want to know what happened at the hospital" Jimin said and yoongi shook his head and asked.

" When you were in the ICU, you lost a lot of blood and needed someone to donate you blood or you would be in a terrible condition, so Jihyo donated you a lot blood" Jimin said.

" Really! Jihyo did that for me" yoongi asked.

" Yeah, she was so tired after since it was a lot" jungkook said.

" Wow, I should do something for her to thank her" he said.

" Why don't we all go out to dinner tomorrow with her" I suggested.

" Sure" yoongi said.

" Can we invite Irene" tae asked.

" Sure tae" yoongi said.

" Yay, I'll tell her right now" he said taking out his phone.

" Tae it's almost two in the morning. Im sure she's asleep by now. Tell her later" hoseok said.

" Okay" he said.

" Maybe we should all head home and go to sleep" seokjin said.

" Yeah, maybe one of us should stay here with yoongi" Jimin said.

" I'll stay" I said.

" You sure" jungkook asked.

" Yeah, I'll call my mom and tell her" I said.

" Okay, we can tell the nurse to put an extra bed here" tae said.

" Okay thanks guys" I said.

" Sure thing. Bye guys see you later" hoseok said.

We waved to them and they all left.

A couple minutes later, the nurse came in with an extra bed for me.

She had a pillow and a blanket for me as well.

I thanked her and she left the room.

I turned off the light and went to my bed.

" Goodnight yoongi" I said.

" Goodnight namjoon" he said.

After that, we both drifted of to sleep.

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