Chapter 21

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This chapter is going to be a flashback of Namjoon's life with his ex-girlfriend


I walk through the door of my high school.

I was greeted by my six friends, but didn't see my best friend.

" Umm guys, where's Jackson" I asked.

" Hey Namjoon" someone yelled from behind.

I turn around and see Jackson running towards me.

" Hey, where were you" I asked

" Woke up late" he said

" Of course" I replied.

" Look Namjoon, you're little crush is here" Seokjin said.

I turn around and see Myoui Mina, my crush since the beginning of high school.

" Yeah, but she'll never love me" I said sadly.

" Hey, no negativity here mister" seokjin said a
strict voice"

" Sorry" I said.

The bell rang at that moment, so we all separated to our classes.

I walk into English, with Mina right behind me.

" Okay, so you guys are going to do a English project with a partner. I already chose your partners and wrote them on the board.

I saw my name next to Mina's.

' Yes, we're partners' I thought.

" Get together with your partners and start on the project"

I saw Mina walking towards me.

' Don't make a fool of yourself'

" Hi Namjoon" she said.

' Oh god she said my name'

" Hi Mina" I replied.

" So for the project, do you want to come to my house or yours" she asked

" We could go to my house if you want" I said.

" Okay, I'll be there right after school" she said.

I gave her my address, just in time as the bell rang.

I ran towards my friends and told them what happened.

They were so happy for me.

I felt so excited.

Author's POV

Namjoon met up with Mina after school and we walked toward his house.

When they arrived, they were greeeted by his mom.

" Hello Namjoon, who's this" she asked.

" Nice to meet you Mrs. Kim, I'm Mina.

Namjoon and I were assigned a English project together" Mina said so politely.

" It's very nice to meet you Mina. Why don't you guys go up to Namjoon's room and I'll bring some snacks" she said.

They entered his room and started the project.

His mom brung them cookies

They took a break for a bit while eating.

" I don't know much about you Namjoon. Tell me a bit about yourself" she said.

" Well, I'm was born in IIsan. I love to rap and also produce music" Namjoon said

" That's really cool. I love singing. Maybe we could make a song together one day" she said

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