Chapter 7

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-Ciel's POV-

After reading through the file I found out that the case had to do with 7 dead bodies found in a forest near a poor village. The bodies were that of 7-10 year olds. They were found with their limbs replaced with that of an animal's. In the file, it was also noted that the authorities believe the killer may have been someone who is knowledgeable in the medical world. They also suspected that the reason behind this was for some sort of satanic ritual, but as Sebastian explained it wasn't. In the package it also included pictures of the bodies at the crime scene.

I glance over at Sebastian. I notice that he has a serious expression on his face, 'what is that devil thinking about?'

I look back at the papers and ask,"What is it?"

"I was just thinking about the meaning behind the use of animal limbs," he says, looking back at me.

"And have you come up with any ideas?"

"Well I have one."

I had gotten impatient so I yelled, "Then spit it out already!"

"Well", he began, "I was thinking that the reason they replaced the victims limbs is because they wanted to create some sort of half human half animal creature."

"Yes, that makes sense", I nod ,"we're going to need a plan."

~time skip~

After about 2 hours we finally came up with a plan. What we came up with was this: first we would find a vacant house in the village were the bodies were found and stay there for a couple of days, we then would ask some of the kids that live there and see if they know anything, if we find any important information we would stay out late and see if there is anything suspicious. Something that I forgot to mention was that (y/n), was going to come with us.

-Your POV-

I was helping Mey-rin put away the dishes when Sebastian came in, saying that the young master had requested I see him in his study. I quickly helped Mey-rin with the rest and then followed Sebastian out of the kitchen.

After a few short minutes we arrived at the door of the young masters study. Sebastian opened the door and I quickly entered, he shut the door behind us. When it shut, the young master looked up and gestured for me to come closer. I began to walk.

"Sit," was all he said once I had gotten close to his desk. I sit down in a chair directly in front of him and wait for him to continue.

"Tell me what you think is going on in these photos," Ciel said as he passed a small stack of photo's to me.

I picked them up and examined them closely. All of the photos were of dead bodies, which each of them had 2 or more of their limbs cut off and replaced with that of a deer or another animal. 'Is this some sort of ritual for a cult?' I told all of this to Ciel.

After I finished explaining he said, "yes it may seem like a ritual but, as Sebastian has already explained to me, it is not."

"Than, if you don't mind me asking, what do you think is going on?" I asked.

"We think," he began as he gestured between himself and Sebastian, "that who ever is doing this may be trying to make a half human half animal hybrid of some sort. And we have come up with a plan that includes you."

"I see, so I'm guessing that I am some sort of bait that will lure in the culprit?" I asked, giving him a questioning look.

Ciel smirks, "exactly."

~time skip~

There was a knock at the bedroom door and I call out a, "come in." Sebastian opens the door and pokes his head in.

"We will be leaving in just a few minutes, is everything ready?" He asked just as I picked up a small suitcase that was lent to me by Mey-rin.

"Yep," said as I handed him the suitcase then I picked up my scythe and hid it on me.

"Alright then, let's go."

~Sorry fore taking so long to post another part. I just wanted to focus a on my school and after it ended I wanted to enjoy my first days of summer. Thanks for waiting and I hope you like it!~

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