Chapter 10

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~Ciel's POV~

(y/n) and I were walking around the streets of the small village. Sebastian was at the house, cleaning up and making lunch. We were going around and talking to some of the children and asking them if they saw anything. And by "we" I really mean (y/n). Since she's better with kids than I am. I just let her do most of the talking and get the information we needed out of them. But it turns out that they really weren't any help.

All they could really tell us was that, every so often, they would often see a masked figure shrouded in a black cloak once the sun went down. And the next day they would find that one of they're fellow playmates would be missing.

The children had begun to start forming groups and at all times be in the presence of an adult after the third body was found. But even after all of this kids would still go missing.

We were now walking down a deserted street. Trying to come up with a way to catch the person responsible for the murders.

I clewnch my fists in anger and say, "ugh, I can't think of anything!" I turn to (y/n), wondering if she has noticed anything that I haven't. She notices me looking and shakes her head.

That's when we hear the sound of what seemed to be someone struggling. The sound was coming from up ahead. (Y/n) grabbed my arm and pulled me into a run. We stopped in front of a dark and dirty alley way. Inside we saw man holding onto a struggling 5 year old. The man was holding a rusty dagger against the boy's throat and he had his hand over the kid's mouth. Before I could even say anything (y/n) had already begun to run towards the man.

The man was shocked when he saw us and had let go of the boy. (Y/n) pulled out her scythe and had kicked the man square in the chest. Causing him to fall down. The boy ran past by me while I was going over to (y/n).

She was standing over him as he cowered against some broken crates. She had her blade pointed at his neck. Once I was at her side I asked the man," who are you?"

He looked at me in fear and stuttered out, "Thomas."

"Are you the one who's been preforming some kind of experiments innocent children and killing them."

"N-no! I was paid to kidnap the boy and leave him at an old how at the edge of the woods! I'm not the only one who's been paid to take children!"

"Who else has been paid to kidnap them?" I ask, becoming infuriated with the man.

"I-I can't tell you!" (Y/n) gets angry as well. She pushes her scythe's closer against Thomas's neck and we both yell in unison, "TELL US!"

Thomas begins to open his mouth but he is suddenly shot in the head. (Y/n) and I are frozen in shock. We quickly look up to look for where the bullet came from. We see a masked figure who's holding a pistol. They were on top of one of the buildings.

When he saw us looking he turned to run. (Y/n) put away her scythe and turned into a cat. She climbed up onto the pile of crates and barrels nearby and jumped up to the roof of the same building the figure had been on.

"H-hey! Wait!"

I ran out of the alleyway, trying to follow her but when I got out I couldn't see her or the cloaked person on any of the roof tops so all I could do was wait. Once I saw her cat figure emerge from five buildings over I quickly went to her.

When she changed back I could see she had her head down in shame and she hadn't noticed me running towards her.

I yelled, "hey, (y/n)!"

When she heard me call her name she slowly looked up. Her eyes gave off the impression that she was sad. Once I was by her side she began to apologize, saying, "I wasn't able to catch up. I'm sorry, Ciel."

Before I can tell her it's alright I begin to sneeze.

~Your POV~

After I apologize to Ciel he suddenly begins to sneeze. I forget about my failure and become concerned, 'why is he sneezing?' And that's when I remember that Sebastian once told me Ciel is allergic to cats.

"Ah! Sorry, Ciel! I didn't mean to make you sneeze! My cat hair must have gotten on my clothes!" I quickly step back.

"It's fine. Let's just get back to the house so you can change," he says through the handkerchief he has covering his mouth.

He walks ahead of me and I try my best to keep my distance but still close enough to be able to keep him safe if anything were too happen.

-time skip-

After I was done changing I left the bathroom and went into the bedroom to rest. Ciel was in the living room still discussing what happened in the alleyway. I talked with them for a bit but after a while it got pretty boring. I got up from the seat I was in and looked out the window and noticed that there seemed to be a red haired woman outside.

She sees me and comes running towards the house. I turn to Ciel and Sebastian to tell them what's going on but before I can even say anything I hear the door slam open and someone yell, " 'bassie!"

-time skip-

After Ciel was done explaining that the woman was actually male and is a grim reaper I relaxed a bit. I had taken out my scythe because of how surprising his entrance was, after he told me I still didn't put it away though. Just in case he tried anything.

The reaper named "Grell" seemed to have an obsession with Sebastian since he kept chasing the demon around the house, trying to hug him. Of course the butler kept dodging his advances but Grell just couldn't take a hint.

"Grell!" Ciel yells at the red head and he immediately stops. "What are you doing here?!" He said, angrily.

"I came here to reap someone's soul and I saw that his cinematic records showed you were with him in his last moments. And if you were here I just knew my 'bassie had to be here too!" Grell comes over to me and starts pinching my cheeks, "who's the little girl any ways?"

I pull away from him and tell him my name.

Not waiting for his response I ask him a question of my own, "who's soul did you come to reap?"

"Oh, just some guy. I think his name was... Thomas or someth--"

Ciel cuts in says, "tell us what you saw in his records!"

Grell pouts, "why should I tell you anything?"

Ciel thinks for a minute and says, "tell us what you saw and we'll let you have Sebastian's tie!"

Grell instantly begins to smile, "really?!" We all turn to Sebastian.

Sebastian sighs in annoyance as he takes off his tie.

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