Chapter 1

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I, am Albus Potter.
Son of Ginny and the Harry Potter, yes; the boy who lived. Oldest of three, yet most neglected...
I have been struggling to "live" normally ever since the twisted chaos Delphi casted upon us. Scorpius no longer talks to me, he acts as if he doesn't know me... All because of a small change:
The transition into Gryffindor wasn't a simple task as I presumed it'd be, but despite all the rumors and gossip of the event, my feelings about it all haven't changed. Scorpius will for now and foremost, hate my insides until he receives a full verbal, apologetic beg for forgiveness at his feet, from me.
          I did not want to lose my dearest friend whom I have done so much with... But I had no choice but to leave Slytherin, as much as I doubted my abilities, I knew deep down I am above the ambitious and troublesome terror characterized by the name of Slytherin.
I did what was right...
For once in my life, father had approved of my actions; the fact I had befriended Rose Weasley, made him happier than I had ever made him. Until appearing in Gryffindor officially, he could only look at me with disappointment and disgust. I did not want to discourage my father of my possibilities, but I also wanted to become my own person than be known as the "Chosen one's son".
My third year at Hogwarts begins in the next few days, and as usual Rose is as happy as one can be for school. I felt at peace after a year gap since my transfer, but I had this gut feeling the first day would not go as smooth as I wish it would be. Rose continues to comfort me to get myself out of my own head, though I just cannot let this feeling slip aside... My gut was never wrong, just like my father's scar.


"Son! Have you packed well from your leisure vacation?" Mother called.

"Mother, it's not much of a leisurely vacation if I am simply lectured as much as I am at school." I answered getting off of my bed.

"Albus... You know your father only says those things out of love." She reflects clicking my briefcase closed, "He wants to make sure you have a good life...unlike his."

"Isn't mine already very different?" I asked taking the case from my mother's hands.

"Of course, we just want to bless you more with what has to come." She smiles squishing my cheeks together with her hands.

"Sometimes you don't make sense mother.." I say pulling away from her strong grasp.

"Good! Females nowadays are rarely ever understood completely'." She sassed placing her hands on her hips.

"Albus!? Are you set for the train?" Father called from the bottom of the stairs.

"All set father." I smiled lugging the baggage down.

"I told your mother to pack lightly for you..."
He utters, examining my bulky suitcase.

"I don't think she knows what that is." I chuckled.

"Off we go! No more chatter about my habits!" Mother rushed putting her coat on.

"I'm actually going back to school..." I mutter to myself.

"Indeed son, make this a great year." Father smiled rubbing my head.

"What if-"

"No more what ifs Albus! You must make something the best it can be only by being the best you can be."

For the first time in a long time, my father gave me a conversation I didn't hate at the end of the day... And instead of continuing a wonderful chat, I had to be off and about, returning to Hogwarts.


The station was bare, but through stop 9 ¾ crowds of whining kids and weeping parents vibrantly filled the air.

"Goodbye son! Take care okay?" Mom pleaded hugging me tenderly and kissing my forehead.

"Don't get into too much trouble you hear me?" Dad playfully lectured.

"Of course!" I answered to both of them, waving goodbye as I entered the train.

"Hurry Albus or we won't get a good seat!" Rose insisted tugging at my sleeve, "Great, all of the good seats are taken... The caboose, again..." She whines.

"Being in the back is not all that bad Rose."

"Is so, I prefer a seat up front where I can actually socialize."

My eyes rolling to the back of my head at her remark; Rose was not particularly one to be very "social".

"Pardon me, is this seat taken?"

Rose and I looking up to see Freddi, the long haired brunette who, despite her geeky nature, was very social and popular among the class.

"No one has claimed this seat, you can take it Freddi." Rose smiles kicking me.

"Ow!?" I growl to her.

"Say SOMETHING!" Rose whisper shouts.

"So... Freddi, how was your summer break? Do anything exciting?" I finally choked out.

"Ha... Not exactly, I basically continued school work just... at, home." She says.

"Are you mad? It's a vacation!?" Rose chimes in.

"I am not one to drop everything and let my knowledge slip me..." Freddi laughs sweeping her hair behind her ear.

"I think it's quite alright, if it's something you prefer, who are we to judge." Albus says smiling to Rose who eventually smiled in return.

The cart shook and chatter of other students rambled in the background. The train was already set in motion, Rose and Albus stood up to wave their parents farewell.

"Have you heard the rumors?" Freddi asks.

"What rumors?" I replied.

"There seems to be two students who received their letters to Hogwarts late and are coming this school year when they should've been here two years ago!" Rose says.

"Why is that news?" I questioned.

"Potter! It isn't likely for the school to accept anyone past their first year! It truly is questionable as to why they did. There has to be a very good reason behind it." Freddie explains, her eyes bright with excitement.

"I hope one is a cute boy." Rose giggles gaining a laugh from Freddie.

"All of our dorms are practically filled, I'm more curious as to how they'll stay here." Freddi says.

"All this fuss over two new students? Haven't we seen them before, we were once ones?" I scoffed unable to understand their interest for the topic.

"You won't ever understand Albus, you're too hard headed to see how intriguing this is." Rose sassed sticking her tongue out at him.

"Delightful..." I say to himself, "more lack of self-esteem for Albus Potter, it is."

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