Chapter 9

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"Where did you go!? Freddie was out the second you were, and she lost you!"

"Rose... I went back to my room, honest." Dao groaned, repeating herself for what felt like the thousandth time.

"Rose, why are you insisting on this? She went back to her dorm, big deal?" Freddie interjects nervously.

"It just doesn't seem true, that's all..." She scoffs, residing in defeat.

"Why not make a truth potion and cast it upon her?" Albus teases, stepping between Dao and Freddie.

"As if! That is not our level yet!" She giggles.

"Seems interesting that we'd be able to do such a thing one day though..." Freddie mumbled, only Dao hearing her.

"You will do just fine Freddie, don't fret." She reassures.

Albus furrowing his brow, "What?"

"Pay a little more attention Potter, or you'll never land a girl." Dao smirks, pushing past him and into the classroom, Freddie smiling wide; rushing in after her.


"Welcome to class! Do not doze off, for here we will learn key features that will form your wizarding and bewitching ways."

"Ha!" A student scoffed in the distance.

Bogle (B-OH-gull) snapping quickly, his wand pointed directly at the culprit. The student's entire mouth transformed into a ostrich beak, squawcking out feathers. All students around the poor Ravenclaw boy leaning away, too afraid of being pulled into blame by Professor and his wrath.

"Oh my..." Freddie gasps under her breath, hunching forward as she shrivels up.

Dao noticing her fright, slides her hand over to hers, nerves clearly across her face disappearing: The welling tears, quivering, and hiccup like shaking from her anxiety disintegrating. Rose soon leaning over from the row above to lend a hand to Freddie's shoulder as they too notice her anxiousness.

"You'll be great, don't worry about messing up. We all do." She whispers.

"Now."Bogle announces, sternly gazing to the the room," Any mischief of irresponsible magic of any kind will not be tolerated. Under any circumstances!"

A group of chuckles igniting after his speech sending a dark aura from him onto everyone. Hufflepuffs, unfortunately in the front row of the room;anxiously slouched into their seats in fear.

Albus curiously looking around the room to find the source of the goofy behavior, found himself an owner of a tiny floating note. A sensation compelling him to grab onto it and secretly open it in his lap.

The largest grin smeared across his face as the paper revealed all foolery in the room, his attention too astray to recognize Professors place in front of him.

"Potter..." Dao mumbles, trying to kick at him.

"Albus!?" Rose sharply shouts.

Professor Bogle already taking the paper from Albus' hand, his face growing completely pale as he glanced over the paper.

"I-I just found it..." Albus coughs out, rubbing his sweaty palms across his thighs," I didn't make that, I swear."

"Clearly...-" Professor mutters, eyeing him," Potter."

A mixed expression of relief, anxiety, and fear consuming the group as Bogle turned to return to his place in front of the class. His hands firmly crossed behind his back as he descended the rows, crumpling the paper and tossing it into a bin.

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