Chapter 5

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"Harry, where are you off to in such a rush!?" Rose called out as class dismissed.

"To go find Dao, she couldn't have gone very far." I answered.

"Are you mad!? This school is huge, you won't find her so easily."

"Why bother chase after the rabbit with a limp leg, oh that's right. Since it's simpler prey for the weak hunters." Scorpius taunted, shoving his shoulder into mine as he walked past me.

"Albus can very much find his own 'prey' that's much more valuable than you will ever capture Malfoy!" Freddie shouts appearing behind Rose.

He only scoffs, looking me up and down, a big smirk across his face, "As if this hand-me down legacy can match up to my abilities."

"You'd be surprised how strong a supposed inferior can be." A voice added.

Our eyes wandered, trying to find the person who belonged to that voice! The very voice I learned to recognize after so little time speaking to each other. My eyes stopped immediately as I see Dao ahead of Scorpius on the stairs, her school supplies no longer in her arms.

"I suggest you get your ego in polite alignment before you get a proper serving of cold feet on the day you yearn the most success on." She said, her stare intense enough to show her ground.

"The little twit actually came back, after such a humiliating isolation in class? The nerve." Scorpius spoke amongst the rest of the Slytherin.

"You had no right to make her feel that way!" Rose shouts, "She hadn't known any better than us the first day we stepped foot here."

"That is absolute rubbish! She-"

"SHE can very much understand and comprehend the tasks at hand here at Hogwarts and if you continue to negatively harass me with immature nonsense, I will be forced to last resort of reporting your actions. Malfoy." Dao exclaims, her fingers curled into fists.

Scorpius did not answer, his mouth clenched tightly with anger raging in his eyes as Dao kept her glare on him. I had forgotten Malfoy's strikes with the school from our issues with Delphi last year... If he had gotten anymore complaints or teacher referrals, he was to be expelled, which didn't seem largely intimidating: but for Scorpius it meant family shunning and disappointing his very over-critical father. Draco was not one to impress easily, being his son, Scorpius had always fallen short.

"You go ahead and try." He utters, pushing past Dao and storming off.

My eyes followed his exit as the rest of Slytherin huffed and snarled at Dao on their way out.

"You didn't run off?" I asked as Dao took a few steps forward.

"Why would I?" She asks with a bit of amusement in her eyes.

"I-I just thought that-"

"That I was like every other fragile girl who will let a big mouthed fool demean me?" She finished.

" I wasn't going to say-"

"Well I am not." She persisted, giving us all a small smile before walking off in the opposite direction Scorpius had gone.

"Those two will really be at each other's heads by the looks of it." Rose whispers as she steps to me.

"I could only hope," I chuckled, "Scorpius needs to be put in his place, who better than a female to do so to the judgmental fiend.

Rose smiles widely at my remark shoving at me playfully, "Shhhh!...Karma finds its way back to the one who wished misfortune on another." She warns.

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