Chapter 10

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Days had gone by, Dao's presence in class as absent as she could make it be... But thanks to Joseph's persuasion, Dao walked with them from class to class, her silence not overlooked. Although, Scorpius' flustered anger still prospered.

"Cheer up Scorpius, at least it wasn't necessarily a 'bad' serum..." Jake chuckles as they walk the halls.

"That bitch did it on purpose." He grits.

Dao peering in from the back of the group, finally building back her courage, "Excuse me?! I told you it was an accident!"

Joseph kindly holding her from stepping up to Scorpius for the sake of the crowded halls ahead.

"Twit." Scorpius glares.

Dao quick to argue, "Prick."

The twins too entertained and worried by the two's reactions to try and act out on their insults. Scorpius eventually storming off, Dao pushing aside to find her next class away from the boy.

"Interesting, aren't they?" Joseph smirks, watching Scorpius' head bobbing through students.

"More like, interesting girl." Jake corrected, eyeing Dao," she's absolutely vile, but only when needed. - I like it."

"Never seen anyone that honest to Scorpius, that's for sure." Joseph adds, a smile creeping up his lips.


It's was almost study hall, Dao huffing to herself as little reminders of Scorpius' irritating statements popped back up into her head. Her quill dropping as she groaned in defeat, plopping onto the desk over her books.

"Careful... your ink will spill on the books." A voice said.

Dao peering slighting from her arm, too grouchy to even apologize or acknowledge whomever it was. The girl before her tall, with piercing brown eyes, just light enough to glimmer, but dark enough to be mistaken as black. Her skin a dark copper tone, as she wore royal blue rings and scarf.

"Ravenclaw..." Dao mutters to herself; Her whisper loud enough to be understood.

"Why yes, good job at memorizing the houses." She smiles to her.

Dao taken aback by her kindness, getting skeptical of her bright smile.

Noticing Dao's shyness and skepticism, she reached her hand out slowly, lowering her voice to be more sincere, "I am Cora, Cora Hiya."  (Core-a  Hi-ya)

Their eyes reading into another's, pure light clicking to each other. Dao slowly returning the hand shake,

" Dao...Dao Sengthavong..."

"I noticed your trouble with adjusting, and I just wanted you to know being behind isn't a thing here."

"You mean that?" Dao scoffs.

"We all grow and learn at different paces, you had just been introduced to magic, I don't expect you to be able to even wield a wand yet; and neither will anybody else."

Dao sinking back into her arms in doubt.

Kora quick to stop her, "Malfoy, does not count. He has his own superficial issues to deal with than be bothered by you're adaption to Hogwarts."

"Hard to believe..."Dao mumbles.

"Well. I can help you." Cora speaks up, straightening her posture.

"What do you mean?" Dao squints at her.

"I may not be able to give you my impeccable studying miracles, but I can help you learn spells and pronunciation. All before you get your official wand."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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