Chapter 8

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"I cannot believe those absolute imbeciles!" Dao shouts as she pulls at the sticky substances covering her cloak.

"Dao!?" Makiao exclaims, rushing up to her.

Her eyes welling with tears, frantically trying to spare her cloak.

"I cannot get another!?" She cries to him, "We were barely able to get the books and paper!"

Makiao sighing heavily, bracing her shoulders with his hands, "Stop it!" he comforts," It'll be okay! We will get you another cloak, you will be alright!"

"I can't stand it here!" She shouts; going into a tantrum.

"We have to be here, you know why it's safer here than back home." He whispers.

"I cannot even be associated with you, or we will get in trouble..." Dao pouts, slowing down her breathing, "Who do I even confide in...?"

"Your friends, you made some..." Makiao hints," And... I trust your choices."

Dao's words choking up as her nervous glance to Makiao made him panic ever so slightly. A brotherly instincts kicking in, causing Dao to push aside her anger; and put on her act.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" He urges.

"No, I tell you EVERYTHING!" She enforces, swallowing her guilt.

"Dao," he scolds," you're lying."

"Stop it! I don't want to get into this right now!" She grumbles, pushing him away.

"Dao if something is wrong you need to-"

"Dao!" Joseph calls suddenly, rushing past the corner.

"T-There you are!?" Jake plays along, following behind his brother.

: The two originally eaves dropping past the wall, unknowingly listening to Dao and her brother. Piecing together her reason for putting up a mask to everyone and her brother; taking it upon themselves to get Dao to leave and to help her pull herself together.

Dao's face completely lost as the two brothers jokingly smirk at her, "W-Why are you?"

"We had to make sure you were okay!" They smile.

"These.... your friends?" Makiao asks analyzing them at the corner of his eye.

"Um... Sort of." Dao murmurs, " They are in Slytherin as well."

"Oh. I see." He smiles, shaking their hands, "I'm Makiao, nice to meet you."

"Pleasure." Joseph says, swiftly turning back to Dao, " Let us take you back to the dorm?"

She shares a glance to Makiao, his head urging for her to go ahead.

"Alright..." She stutters, walking between them.

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