Chapter 2

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A brief assembly was to be held to have the professors address the new students and returning ones of the new additions to the school. Albus remained by Rose as Freddie went off to stand with members of her house. Scorpius not too far away stood with his group of judgmental students who prefer to only talk to those of Slytherin and no one else. Their cold and vicious words were not ones to take lightly and frankly, they were the bullies of the school. Albus now under their radar since the transfer, has avoided any form of contact with them as much as he could.

"Would you relax? They won't bother taking time out of their day to come over here and rough house you." Rose whispers elbowing Albus.

"You don't know them like I do... they just might." Albus says nervously rubbing his arm.

"As for the rumors spreading about, I would like to inform you there is indeed two new members joining a previously established class today. Do not think it is any less of a surprise than receiving new students each year." Professor McGonagall announced, "I trust whomever houses they are out into will welcome them dearly and treat them kindly in the rocky journey of joining the school year at such a delay.
-Now without further a do, please exit calmly to claim your schedules!"

A wave of loud chatter consumed the room, Rose and Albus being pushed aside in the commotion.


"Rose!?" Albus called out, "Rose!?"


I found myself getting shoved aside to the table where our schedules were stacked. With a loud sigh of defeat I gave into losing Rose and went to get my schedule.
"Name?" An ink jar spoke, causing me to jolt back.
"A-Albus... Albus Potter."

"The Potter!? Woa-Ho-Ho, you're a special one now there aren't ya?!"

Mentioning my father's legacy still didn't quite settle well with me. A knot from my stomach to my throat would form and a significant need for water is needed before I can forcefully swallow my set expectations from birth down and begin to speak out again.
"Ha... Yeah thats my father for you..."

"Here you go kid! Don't let the fame bother you too much bud." The ink jar says as my schedule floated up and into my hands.

"Thanks." I mutter trying to squeeze out from the line.

As I step out I see a glimmer of shine float across the table, a paper dashing through thin air and into Scorpius's hand. His head held high as he and his little minions of the Slytherin group laughed maniacally.
"Something wrong Potter?" He chuckled before walking off leaving his followers behind to scowl at me.

"Nothing worth my breath..." I mutter pushing through the crowded lines.

"Learn how to whisper Potter." One of the large students from the Slytherin grunted shoving me aside.

I went crashing into the line of other students, a wince of pain came out but this voice not being mine. I look over to see that I had knocked over a girl in line, her items scattered across the floor, fellow students helping her gather them.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you." I say picking up her books and handing them to her.

"It's fine, really. Those students haven't really wasted time to start preying on the small and innocent." She smiled, a feeling of cool sensation running through me.

Her eyes were a pitch black vortex, yet shined a bright brown in the sun's rays. Long black silk hair with her eyes very piercing to anyone who locked eyes with her and a feel of intense yet caring personality. She wore no robe or color coding for her house...? Her eyes constantly wandering to those around her as she embraced her belongings.

"Yeah..." I laughed barely choking out any words.

Her hand swept a strand of hair to the back of her ear and her eyes locked with mine, "Do you by chance know-"

"Hey! Dweeb, Why don't you hurry and get out of here, what more do we have to do to let you know we don't want you here?" The same Slytherin that shoved me into the girl came growling at me.

"I have every right to be here as you do." I say calmly, silently losing my steadiness on the inside.

"Well hurry up and leave before I do more than shove you across the room!"


My head turned to the voice I could only hope was Rose, but instead in all surprise the girl who I had accidentally shoved aside was now standing up tall with her books in hand.

The lump in my throat slowly crawled back up, "Uh... I don't think-"

"Instead of wasting precious time here, why don't you just leave the room if you seem so irritated by anyone's presence!?" The girl exclaimed, gaining attention from everyone around us.

"What did you say?" The fiend glared stepping away from me and towards the unnamed girl who had more guts than anyone I had seen.

"I said leave, you're wasting very useful air here that your intolerable heavy grunting can't seem to preserve." She snapped back, jaws dropping around the room.

"You little-"

"Mister Emsworth!" Professor called out, "I suggest you leave the room if you have already received your papers."

The gigantic bully let out a groan before stepping away from us and leaving to the rest of the Slytherin. I avert my attention to the girl, her place where she once stood empty: I look around me to attempt to find her, the top of her head catching my eye. I immediately press my heel down, running after her, my only focus was her.

My shoulder went colliding with another, this time the voice much more familiar in this instance.

"Albus!? Where are you running off to?" Rose groaned rubbing her shoulder.

"Sorry... I just... Didn't want to lose track of someone."

"Who?" She asked furrowing her brow.

"That's it. I don't know her name." I said looking back over to where I swore I saw her headed for.

"It's not that small of a school, you'll find this person again, now let's go! I want to know if we have classes together!" Rose tugged pulling me away from the hallway I could've been running down to get to that girl.

Who was she? She wasn't an acquaintance nor a familiar face, but everything about her felt welcoming and something I had felt before... It was like I had known her my whole life.

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