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Thank you for deciding to read my story!

I am an absolute amateur at writing (so there will be grammatical and spelling errors....), but I had a story I desperately wanted to tell! So here I am doing the BEST I can to tell you all how I feel the story after HP will go, with additions by my own works of imagination.

Story explanation:

Albus Potter is at ends when he finally decides to transfer his house to Gryffindor.

Upon meeting Rose Weasley more often, his friendship from the past bloodline begins to reform in the newer generation of the Potter series.

Struggling to grasp the concept that he is truly acceptable to be a Gryffindor, he pushes himself to be his very best and prove Scorpius Malfoy (former friend) his choice in house transferal as "called for".

Given Rose and Scorpius's split, Albus is put into an awkward situation of choosing who to remain friends with and who to let fade from his storyline.

All progress seems to go very well, until the new school year begins and new year students begin their arrival to Hogwarts. In a rare case, two siblings arrive to Hogwarts in delay of two years into school, one joining the grade level of Albus and them, the other in the older class.

Curiosity scatters across the school to see who the two siblings who failed to receive their letters to the school of wizardry were and how they were still accepted despite the tardiness.

: Succeeding at setting a flame to the new chapter of Albus Potter's life.


"-------" symbolizes a scene/setting change

Perspectives can/may change from Albus's or a specific character of the chapter, to simple third person narration.

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