Chapter 4

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"You realize the catastrophe this kind of confrontation will cause for you Albus?" Rose continued to bother as we walked to class.

"I don't see the harm in us being friendly to one another Rose."

"You have just settled and all the drama faced towards you has faded. Speak or acquit yourself with her and you could face trouble." She warned.

"We do not face life avoiding possible issues," I laughed entering the classroom,"besides some trouble might just be what one needs to avert to the right path in life." I say as i locked my eyes on Dao's who was sitting in class already.

"I refuse to get into such mischief that can result in expulsion!" Rose exclaimed.

"You ever notice how much you are like your mother?" I smirked.

"What!? We are polar opposites, she is so strict and ruley, always angered by whatever I do right or wrong." Rose argued.

"If you say so Rose." I chuckled taking my seat.

Dao had been placed up the rows, seated with her fellow house. I may not have known her all too well, but I was very set on the fact that she did not belong in Slytherin. Knowing Scorpius, he has not wasted time on bullying Dao...

"Don't let the fact of it being your first day ever let you feel the obligation to be treated kinder." Scorpius scoffed at Dao.

"I didn't plan on it." She smirked.

"If you're not going to submit that transfer, we might as well advise you ourselves that it's truly appreciative if you follow through."

"What are you saying exactly?" She furrows her brow.

"Lets just say it wouldn't be the first one to leave the house and join the good ole proper Gryffindor." Scorpius mocks clearly looking down at me.

My back faced them, my attention and tensed shoulders trying not to show I had over heard them. Rose looks back to Scorpius slightly then to me before facing her back to them as well. Her expression concerned, but for once, it wasn't for me.

"I feel sorry that you feel the need to nag at one set back in your life in order to move past it." Dao says after the silence subsided, "I never said I was going anywhere and I sure didn't agree to a house transferal. If it's what you all truly recommend, I can only say it is your loss. Slytherin."

Gasps and and held in laughter raised in every students chest, the classroom filled with silence. Everyone too anxious to let a single noise out. Scorpius's heavy breathing and flared nostrils were the only sound we could all clearly listen too. Rose and I stay in angst as to what will happen next. I turn cautiously to see if Scorpius was glaring at me or at Dao, without a second to lose a loud thud echoed through the classroom. Dao was on the floor and her supplies poured all over her, Scorpius's grin and glare combined as he dropped the last of her things.

"You will never belong, anywhere. Filthy Mudblood."

Dao struggles to get up, the known twins of Slytherin scrambled to attempt to help her stand, Scorpius growling at them. They each freeze in fear, petrified by the possible wrath that could fall upon them if they stepped any further. I stood up quickly to look over to Dao who had her belongings scattered in her arms. Her face hung low and her shoulders drooped as she straightened out and slammed her books and pencils on the desk.
"Filthy Mudblood?" She chuckles, "Call me what you may, but at least I am not a blundering fool of insecurity and disloyalty."

Scorpius at this point lost his cool and lunged for Dao, the rest of Slytherin holding him back: Dao's eyes ferociously staring into Scorpius's.
"Ignorant Bafoon." Dao mutters growling back to Scorpius.

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