Chapter 7

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"The pesky girl is still refusing to do as we say." Eleanor grumbles.

"Must we really be so rash towards her? She is of no significance, Scorpius's book of the house told us so." Emsworth whines.

"She is either a true Slytherin or not one at all!" Eleanor snaps, "I do not care if she is a pretty patty little goodie two shoes at heart, her house is us. And we are NOTHING like that."

"Stop torturing the poor girl!" Joseph begged, "She is just being herself, and by all means, who knows how much of a Slytherin she may turn out to really be."

"You see the way she speaks to Scorpius, it may be at the wrong, but right side, but she is most definitely a Slytherin."

"And in what measure do you feel the need to defend her?"

"She is as worthy of a defense as any of us." Malfoy growls, sitting in the corner.

"She is a wretchedly twisted excuse for an ambitious, evil wizard!" Eleanor shouts.

"And yet, she still has more backbone than any of us!" Scorpius spits at her, the sour words leaving a terrible taste in his mouth, "Consider this: She is the only student we know bold enough to speak back to us not only with courage and emphasis, but with strong vocabulary and completely evident statements at that."

"You hate her as much as we do..." Lance smirks.

"I hate that she is perfectly a Slytherin... Attempting to be something else." Scorpius mumbles, only the twins catching him.

He immediately glared at the two, mouthing a few choice words to them to never mention the words he will never admit to saying ever again. The two smirking and quickly diverting their gazes at the threatening Scorpius.

"She will join us, or never BE one of us." Eleanor announces.

"All agree?" Emsworth asks.

"Not at all," Scorpius groans, standing up and walking through them to leave the room, "do as you wish, but do not involve me."


"May I ask you something!?" Rose requests, squeezing through the crowd of students.

"Go ahead?" Dao chuckles, moving aside to leave Rose room.

"That boy, your brother?" She begins, " Why do you two always run off as soon as we approach?"

Dao takes in Rose's words, cowardly panicking at how to answer, her stuttered words causing her to rush, "It's just a family thing... We have to do it for our own sake... You see?"

"I can't..." Rose answers.

"Please just trust my words of the situation needing to remain THIS way..." Dao begs.

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