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>>Lost Halls<<

Marzia's POV

It's the second day and I was making my way to my next class, I saw a a girl with a messy bun and thick eye liner, she seemed to be lost, "Hi there.. are you lost?" I asked, "Oh.. yeah.. I'm new here" she said, "Well.. I'm new here too but I'm starting to know this place very well.. so where's your first class? I might help you.." I asked, "Oh yeah.. it's on 208.." she answered, "Oh that's downstairs.. c'mon there's still 7 minutes 'till class starts.." I said and we both ran downstairs to find her room.

We managed to find her room in 4 minutes which means there's still 3 minutes before it's all in. "Thank you... I'm Signe by the way but you can also call me Wiishu" she introduced.. "I'm Marzia.." I said with a smile, "Well... see you after class!" She said then entered the room..

I quickly ran back upstairs to chase after the time. I made it to class seconds before the bell rang... I was panthing like crazy and dropped my bag to the side while trying to catch my breath.

"Don't sweat too much.. it might ruin your make up.." The girl beside me said, "The name's Zoella.." she introduced letting out a hand, "Marzia.." I replied, shaking her hand..

The teacher then came in and greeted us with a smile and started our new activity...


Lunch time came and me and Amy were walking to the cafeteria when Signe caught my eye, I quickly ran to her but someone elso got in my way..

Signe's POV

"Hey!" Someone yelled making my head turn.. I saw Marzia on the floor with a blonde guy in front of her, "Watch it!" The buff one said and the three left but one of then glanced at me..

I quickly ran to Marzia and helped her up, "How rude.. didn't even bother to say sorry and help!" I said while helping her..

"Their always like that.. you'll get used to it.." someone said as me and Marzia stood up, "Thanks" Marzia said and I smiled to her, "Oh! By the way.. Amy, this is Signe. Signe, this is Amy" Marzia said introducing us to one another, Amy smiled and I did too, "Welp.. c'mon.. let's eat!" Amy said and pulled us by our hands to follow her.


As the three of us finish our food, we couldn't get out of the topic of Jack, Mark, and Pewds...

"The first time Felix was here, he was such an introvert... and he only had one friend.." Amy said, "Who?" Marzia asked, "Cry.. the guy with the white poker face mask all the time. He has a big crew but even them doesn't know what his face looked like.. him and Pewds barely interacted with one another.. no one knows why." Amy explained..

"What about the green one? How did they get together?" I asked, "I'm not sure.. maybe because he's a loudmouth? He yells all the time.. but they don't mind" Amy said making me let out a little chuckle, I looked up and saw them staring at me then smiling, "What?" I asked, "Nothing.." Marzia said and continued eating, I got curious but ignored it.

The bell rang and we all finished our lunch and went our ways to our class.

And then I don't know where I was going again.. I scratched my head of confusion while staring at the paper..

"AH! FOOKIN' HELL!" I heard someone yell, I turned to my right where the guy with green hair was.. Amy was right, this guy is loud.. I looked down and saw that I stepped his foot, "Oh gosh! I'm so sorry!" I apologized, stepping away..

"THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He yelled, God, I'm glad we're at an empty hallway.. "Hey.. look I said I'm sorry.. I'm just lost, and I don't know where I'm going.." I said, "Give me that!" He exclaimed and snatched the paper off my hands, he stared at it and looked at me, his mad face turning into a chilled one.. "Take a turn to the right over there and you'll see it.." he said giving back the paper, I took it and smiled, "Umm thanks.." I said running to the direction he pointed, and to my surprise, it was there, my next class.

This guy is actually nice..


After school, Amy, Marzia and I went to our dorms, luckily, Me and Marzia had the same room but Amy was in a separate.

We dropped our bags at our beds and headed out to get our other stuff.

Marzia's POV

"See you!" I said, and Signe and I went our ways.

I pulled out my phone halfway there to text mom, I heard a dog barking making me look up and saw a black pug running and someone chasing after it, "EDGAR!!! DEUTSCHLAND!" the guy yelled.

I grabbed the leash and quickly stood up, but as I did, our faces were inches apart, my eyes widened, it was Felix.. I blushed and my eyes fluttered, "Uh-umm is this yours?" I asked handing over the leash, "Uhh yeah.." he said grabbing it off my hands and walking away.

I stared as he walked away and shook my head.

I smiled while blushing at the way back home.

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