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>>Our History<<

Amy's POV

It was great news when I was accepted to be the lead for cheerleading, at least I had a role in this highschool. Until I met the one of the trio, Mark Edward Fischbach... the well known quarterback. Loved by the ladies because he's buff, all the ladies except me.

I didn't really care about these relationships thing, the ol' cheerleader-quarterback pair or meangirl-jock pair, but just because I'm the leader doesn't mean I'm the mean girl.

Mark loved being adored by the girls, but he doesn't when one of them doesn't. Mark never stopped to get me to swoon over him, and I never stopped to get him to just GO AWAY, this isn't highschool! But it definitely felt like it. This school lets you take courses, but also let's you feel like a highschool student again, but some people doesn't like that.

"Will you stop!? I'm not falling for it!" I said, "That just determines me." He replied, "LOOK I'm not the only girl that doesn't like you!" I argue, "Yes but, you... you're a cheerleader!"

I tried to stay away from him, but even when I'm away from school grounds, it doesn't stop.

But what I saw was a different Mark, one with a big heart. I shook my head, I was probably hallucinating. And that's creepy.

Rain, the best weather for this time, I'm walking home since I do not like taking dorms unless necessary, and now I'm stuck under someone's umbrella, "Sorry." He says, "Why?" I ask, "I've been a dick." He admits, and I was surprised.. of course, "You just remind me, of someone, someone special but I don't recall." He said, I blushed and felt like was teased, "Why do you do it?" I ask, "Felix.." he responds, of course.. "I'm going.." I said and walked to the rain. "Wait! Are you sure you don't want me to walk you? It's raining.." he offered, I smiled at his kindness, but I still think it's another one of his ways to get through me, but what other choice do I have? "Sure".

"Thank you.." I said, he smiled and started to walk away. "Mark? Umm.. the other day, I saw you and.. you were crying.. the next day you were helping someone. What happened?" I ask, while his back faces me, "Uhh.. someone I loved passed away, and I cannot let it happen to someone else." He answered, and his words hitting me like a boulder, as much as I want to know who it was, I had a feeling he doesn't want to talk about it. "Sorry.. uh- stay safe heading home!" I said and quickly ran inside my house and shut the door.

I peek at the window, I see him smile which made me smile too.

The day after.. I didn't feel like trash since I know Mark won't bother me anymore, but what happened yesterday had me hanging of a cliff, he made me curious...

I saw him walk towards me at the hall, and there I thought he meant to leave me alone, "Heey~....... can we meet later the school garden?" He whispers right after.

I arrive there, and sat next to him, "You're unpredictable.." I said, wait.
"What? Uh.. anyway, last night-"
"Wait, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.."  I said cutting him off. "It's fine.."

His story breaks my heart, but I'm glad he got over it.

The past few days we've been hanging out alot, his quite funny, and when it comes to awkward situations, we just laugh to break it.

Our relationship got so close that we even hang out on summer break, but we make sure we're out of Pewdie's and Jack's sight, "Remember when I told you about how you remind me of someone?" He said as we eat our popsicles, "Turns out it was you." He said, "Pff.. sure it is." I said not believing his nonsense.

"I, Mark Edward Fischbach, is your childhood friend." He exclaimed proudly, I stare at him, unsure of whatever he's talking about. He then shows a picture, with him and.... me? One glance at it and I finally remembered, the friend I had 12 years ago.. "Eddie?" I mumble, and he flips the picture, 'Amy and Eddie ♡' was written, as to what I can tell since it looked like a writing of a five year old, but why Eddie? "I guess Eddie's from Edward, My mom USE to call me that."

I was in a complete shock, I couldn't help but give him a huge hug, of course he hugged back.

We discovered more old stuff in his house, even an old video tape with little us saying how much we love each other, my heart melted in the scene, and cuddled next to him as we watch it.

"Amy?" He ask if I was awake.
"Yes?" I reply.
"I love you" he said, syncing with the video, I blush and quickly got up, I stare as he stares back, I smile at him and finally collapsing my lips on his. He was surprised, but then kissed back.

It was.. warm, passionate, lovely.
I pull away.

"I love you too."


Mark: I love you! :'( Pls?

I stare at my phone with a smile,

Amy: I love you too.

I reply. Just like the video.

I missed a week! I got a problem of thinking about the chemistry I'll give Amyplier.

So I asked my friends IRL for SOME help.

If you watched draw my life by Mark, that explains this. And why Mark had a sad face at his message? He promised to never drink and Amy thought Jack and Mark were kissing.

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