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>>Secrets & Confessions<<

Jack's POV

I clime up the stairs heading towards my dorm room when a guy comes and gave me a box of something.. "Hey.. an old lady wanted to give this to Felix Ku-jel-burg?" He said, "Uhh.. that's my friend thanks.." I grab the box and walked to his room.

"HEY FEELLIXX!" I yell as I hear him ran to the door."What!?" He asks, "An old lady wanted to give you this." I handed the box to him and he walks away with it..

"Sooo... what is it?!" I curiously asked, he turned around and glared at me, "I haven't even opened the box yet.." he said and placed the box on the counter. "Open it Open it!!" I said childishly.

"It's a cake.." he said grabbing the note beside it.. "Thank you young man for helping me, even if it's such a minor thing it still helped my grand daughter Rosanna to start her baking videos for her school.. she might even start her bakery! - old woman by the aisle" he red out loud, "Who's that?!" I asked, "Uhh.. just someone I helped on the grocery before my accident." He responded, "Oh.. okay!" I said and ran to my dorm room and grabbed my phone to chat with lil woosher,

Jack: hey! ♡

Lil woosher: Umm whats with the heart?

Jack: uhh.. nvm that!

Lil woosher: uh, i heard theres a party this weekend held by Jake Paul.. i just wanna ask if your coming so i can pospone our day of testing pancakes

Jack: oh? Umm no way! Lets go with pancakes!! ♡

Lil woosher: okay then :)

I turn of my phone.. thinking about my decision.. because if Mark's coming then I'm coming.. I mean...anyone but JP's but I guess for him.. he just wants the party not the one who holds it..

Actually, he's been going out alot, like every night he always say he's going to the park, or a restaurant... like somewhere you can have a date with.... "A date with.." I whisper, "Does he..? No way.." I thought in disbelief, but I could be wrong.

But how do I find out..?

I heard the door open, in comes Mark, "Mark! Ye commin'?" I ask, "What, where?" He ask placing his stuff near the door and shut it, "Haven't you heard? The party this week.." I say turning to him, "Oh? Umm.. I don't know.. I have to ask someone first.." he replies. Wait.. who's someone?. "Uh, Mark--" The door shut, he left before I could even ask, I got too lazy and just layed back on the bed.

~The Next Day~

Ring goes the bell and I quickly ran to Signe.. not minding the people around us probably judging me, "Hey" I greet, she looked at me.. then looked around.. and looked at me again.

"Surprised me how you don't care that people are looking at us right now.." she says, "Pff! Who cares what they think, unless it's Felix.." I said with a chuckle, "Here he is now.." she whispers, "Oh umm well, Felix did get kinda soft and warm after his incident.. umm I guess.. bye for now." I said walking away.

I hear her sigh as I did, I felt a bit of guilt but tried to ignore it and ran towards Felix, "Wait.. that's not Mark.." I whisper and hid behind the lockers.. Felix is dating someone!? I looked closer and realized.. it... was.. Marzia?

"I- I want to confess Marzia" he said.. at least that's what I thought,
I turned to see Mark waving at me.. I turned away to see Felix and Marzia gone.. Wha-
"What are you looking at?" He asks, I slowly turned to him with a fiery glare. "Uhh... am I in trouble?".
"YEH YE ARE!" I yell, because no one elsr is the hall anymore. I grab his ear and walked outside the school.

"I WAS ABOUT TO DISCOVER THE BEST CONFESSION EVER!" I yell once more. "Ow! Let go of my ear!" He gently pulls my hand away to not rip his ear off. "What?! Who's confession?" He asks, "I overheard Felix confessing to... umm Marzia" I say whispering the end bit, "Are you sure that's what you heard? Because he swore he'd wouldn't ever waste time in love unless it's video games." He says, "Umm true.. but- haven't you noticed he's not really into gaming anymore?! Even skipped class just to see her!" I said excitedly.

"Really? But I bet he'd never tell us about it though." He sighs. I frowned, Felix doesn't really like sharing feelings...


"So.. have you asked the mystery person yet?"

Mark and I are walking towards our dorm room.

"What?! Oh.. yeah.. we're coming." He said.. and I heard a nervous laugh after it.. things are getting REALLY suspicous.
"Uhh.. Mark? What are you hiidddinngg??" I slidedly ask, "What?! Why'd you ask?" He quickly looks away.
My eyes squinted
I stopped
"I won't tell ANYone!" I say; making a zipping motion to my mouth.

"Yeah right" he said and kept walking..
I ran towards him.

"Look; if it's SUPER DUPER personal.. fine.. but if it's only SUPER you can tell me a small bit of it, but if it's not SUPER nor SUPER DUPER... then whatever it is... I   will    never   tell...." I said before the door clicked, he turned to me and I smiled innocently.


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