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>>Septiishu Perspective<<

Jack's POV

I woke up rubbing my eyes.. I didn't smell the usual pancakes I smelled every morning, I got off my bed and exited the room, the room was quiet, no frying sounds to be heard, the curtains were down and the room felt dead.. I walked to the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge..


Sorry there's no pancakes for breakfast today.. I had to go somewhere cause of.. plans.. and all that.


I frowned.. I loved his pancakes, I cant do this.. I cant have breakfast with no MarkPancakesTM...
He also didn't say where the fook he's going..

I ran back in the bedroom and took my phone to call Mark..

He hung up

"What the?! He never hungs up to me!" I yelled to myself and tried calling him again....

And this time he answered..

"What?!" He asked sounding rather annoyed..
"Where the fook are you?!" I asked..
"Why do you need to know?!" He asked back..
"Well what?!" He said cutting me off and hung up..

Mark never talks to me on the phone like that..

I pouted and took the milk and cereal and had them for breakfast..

I finished my meal and headed to my recording room and started to record...

Theres really not much to do after that.. "Uggh!" And then boredom strikes me. I took my phone and called Felix..

"Hey dude.. got anything planned today?" I asked and slouched on my bed
"Well I'm going grocery shopping?" He said..
"Okay.." I said and hung up..

And decided to have a little trip in Youtube..

I saw a cute undertale speedpaint by.. Wiishu.. I didn't know who she or he is but I really like the art.. so I commented..

I know theres alot of other and better arts out there.. but I just felt like commenting..

'I really like your art' I typed and clicked post..

They replied seconds later, 'thanks!'


I found them on twitter and tumblr and saw all her art..

And saw one with me in it.. and others mostly with Mark in it
I guess their a fan..

I liked all their art of me... even the old ones.. they might think I'm a stalker.. but I guess it's just boredom..

And they messaged me.. I guess they noticed..

And we chatted for a while.. teasing and joking.. and she finally told me that she's was a girl.. I mean.. the icon made it obvious but I don't wanna assume people's genders..

We've been talking for hours and whoever's behind this screen is someone I really wanna be friends with and meet in real life..

'Where do you live? Id like to meet up some time..' I typed and before I could send it my phone suddenly rang.. I saw 'Ken' on my screen.. well this is the first time he called..


"Jack... it's Felix.. he's in the hospital.." Ken said and I panicked..

I jumped out my bed and got dressed up and messaged Wiishu 'sorry.. I gotta go..' and clicked send..

I quickly ran out the dorm and made my way to the hospital..

Youtube University (Melix/Septiishu/Amyplier)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora