1. I'm not losing you too...

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It was a nice, bright day in Oceania. Everyone was in the gardens and Trey wasn't looked at as a prince instead he was a hero. He ran away from the royal family to be free. Sally wasn't so serious about her royal duties, she was really carefree, kind and happily together with Trey. All the others weren't together yet, but they liked each other and Teë was in love with Trey and is ultimately love sick over him. It is Trey's 14th birthday and they are all celebrating his victories.
In the park meadows under the blossom tree at 12pm.
Everyone is laughing and enjoying themselves, Teë is kissing Trey and fangirling over him while Trey tries to push her off him.
Melanie: This is the most awesome party ever! *giggles* Hey Theo, is there any more coke? *giggles*
Theo: Oh no, you have been drinking too much of that and now you've got the giggles.
Melanie: Finee...
Melanie drops her can, turns around and picks it up, but trips on her laces she falls but Theo catches her.
Melanie: *blushes* T-t-thanks... I almost fell, clumsy me I think I should stop drinking cola for now and do you mind? Like not holding me anymore...
Theo: Oh sorry!
Theo ends up dropping Melanie on the floor.
Melanie: Ow, that's not what I really meant!
Theo: Heh heh, I thought you meant let go.
Melanie: Ugh, whatever. *crosses arms*
Trey: Teë, can you give me some space and stop trying to kiss me. I already have an awesome girlfriend.
Teë: Baby Treyella, I really really love you, pleaseeee I just want to give you your birthday present.
Trey: Stop calling me Treyella, that's not even my name, you don't even know my full name!
Teë: Of course I do, it's T--
Trey covers Teë's mouth.
Trey: I didn't mean say it, ugh what can I do to get you to leave me alone forever.
Teë: A date?
Sally walks over to them.
Sally: *giggles* Is she bothering you again?
Trey: You think? I can't seem to pry her off my back. Teë get off of me!
Sally: She's still a child, and a little rascal.
Trey: Well, you got the rascal part right.
Sally: Alright Teë, stop it he's struggling to breathe.
Teë: But I want him to take me on a date!
Trey: F-fine I will take you anywhere you want, just let me go!
Teë: Really I get to go on a date with my prince, my speed hero, my love of my life?
Trey: Sure, whatever j-just let me go cause I can't breathe and your cutting off the blood flow to my neck.
Teë: Okay anything for you! *jumps off his back*
Trey: Ugh... My neck is aching now, thanks a lot Teë.
Sally: *giggles* don't worry I don't mind if you take her on a date, it's not like it's serious or anything just to make her happy, right?
Trey: Yeah don't worry *kisses her cheek* You know I love you so much right?
Sally: Please, we are only 14 we don't even know what love is?
Trey: Well I do.
Sally: Fine I love you too and I know you love me *giggles*
A portal is opened and wind starts sucking in everyone. Crystal and Miles scream and gets sucked into one portal, Jason and Sophia into another, Theo and Melanie get sucked into one. Caleb, Stephen and Cosmo get sucked into another one. Until each and everyone get sucked in 7 portals. Trey is holding onto a tree and Teë flies back and starts grabbing the grass.
Everyone: AHHHHHHHHH! Treyyyyy, Nigél, Miles, Theo, Jason help ussssss!!!
Trey: Ugh what now?
Minion: Doctor Smith has now obtained each and everyone of your loved ones in each realm, to free them you will need the 7 chaos emeralds and they will need to be activated. Activate them then you can save your friends. You have a month to obtain all emeralds and get your friends if not, he will kill them, you have to do this alone. Times ticking...
The minion closes all the seven portals and tries to suck in Teë harder. The minion uses a machine to absorb Trey's speed.
Teë: Treyyyyyyyy! Help meeeeee! Pleaseeeeee!
Teë was about to let go of the ground when it was slipping out of her grasp, she screamed more. The minion absorbs Teë's strength.
Teë: I-I can't hold it anymore, TREYYYYYY!
Trey: (I wish I could let her slip away in that portal, but that's not what Sally would've wanted me to do.) Teë I'll help you, just hold on tight!
Teë: I-I c-can't...*sobs and screams* I CAN'T! My hands are bleeding! I have to let go...I'm sorry.
Trey: I hate to say this, but I am not losing you too.
She's about to let go until he grabs her hand and pulls her with him behind the tree. The portal then closes and the minion disappears. They fall to the ground together with Teë on top of Trey.
Trey: You okay?
Teë: Y-yeah I think so, b-b-but my hands are bleeding. *cries and looks down* It stained my skirt, I can't bend my fingers it hurts!
Trey: Ew blood, *sighs* let's go back to your house and you can bath, change and pack some stuff to eat.
Teë: W-why?
Trey: What do you mean why, I can't leave you here by yourself for a month, we are going to get our friends back!
Teë: Oh yeah! Let's go kick butt. *clenches her fist* Ow! The blood is dripping out.
Trey: Okay 1. Ew 2. I don't want to be bloody too! 3. Get off of me, you weigh a tonne! 4. You have to follow my rules and please do not annoy me.
Teë: Alright anything for you, Treyella! *gets up*
Trey: And stop calling me that! I have a real name, I don't want to sound like that chocolate spread.
Teë: You mean Nutella? That sounds nothing like Treyella, I'll just call you my blue hero! *jumps on his back*
Trey: Not this again, GET OFF! *drops her*
Teë falls on the floor and hits her head, she fakes to black out. Trey continues to walk and leaves her behind until...
Trey: Ugh get up and stop being ann-- *turns around* TEË! *runs up to her* Wake up, I'm sorry ugh I'm so dumb!
Teë: BOO!
Trey: Gahh! You little rascal, ugh you can get up yourself.
Teë: *giggles* Oh come on, that was pretty funny!
Trey: We don't have time for games, it's 4pm and we have just been looking like nut jobs, now we only have enough time for you to get dressed, so let's go! Oh and by the way just cause my speed got somehow taken, doesn't mean I like being slow so hurry up!
Teë: Okayy! Ow my hands. *gets up*
Trey: *runs* Hurry up!
Teë: Treyella!! Wait for me!
Trey: *looks back* ugh. *speeds up a bit*
Teë: Tre...Ye...L-la I can't run that fast...
Trey: Well, you gotta try! *runs in Teë's front door*
Trey waits for Teë to enter the door like 30 seconds later. She's panting and sweating like crazy, her hands are red, swollen and bleeding a bit.
Teë: You didn't even wait for me.
Trey: Just go get dressed, the less we talk, the better.
Teë: Fine...I'll go change.
Teë changes out of her bloody orange skirt, green top and white and orange sneakers. She then changes into a red and white dress with matching boots and packs other clothes with her just in case. She bandages her hands with white bandages and puts on white gloves on top of it. She straightens her hair down and puts her red hairband back on and makes her way downstairs. Trey is eating all of the strawberry blue cheesecake, when he sees Teë, he's amazed of how different she looks.

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