11. Lets just pretend nothing happened..

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Trey: AAAHHH! SAVE ME, TEË! *splashing*
Teë: Trey...
Teë: TREY!
Trey: CAN'T YOU SEE I'M...*looks up*
Trey is sitting in a very shallow part of the lake and it's only a meter deep. He looks down embarrassed.
Trey: ...drowning
Teë: *giggles*
Trey: Heh heh...Of course I'm not drowning! *scratches head*
Teë helps him back onto his feet and out of the lake. She puts his hands on his shoulders and looks up at him and smiles.
Teë: Silly, if you were drowning I'd save you!
Trey: I know you would, just like I will save you whenever you need me. *smiles at her and holds her hands, while blushing*
Teë: Thank you...Trey...*blushing*
Trey: (Did I almost kiss her?...what the hell is wrong with me?)
Teë: (He was actually leaning towards me...like I was going to have my...first kiss)
Trey: (Why? Why am I doing this? I've never felt like this before...I've never felt like this with Sally...)
Teë interrupts his thoughts, grabs his arms and kisses his cheek, he blushes madly. She realises what she just did and turns around quickly, pretending nothing happened.
Teë: (I kissed his cheek!)
Trey: (I think...That I...) *heart beating and blushing* (No. Trey! You're with Sally, you love her! You just have a fever...That's all.) *rolls eyes* Enough fooling around, Teë! We need to rest!
Teë: Okay!
Trey walks by the lake and Teë follows him.
Teë: So...Are we sleeping by the lake?
Trey: Sure, whatever.
Trey sits by the lake.
Teë: *frowns* Is something wrong Trey?
Trey looks up at the moon and stars.
Trey: It's nothing, don't worry about it.
Teë: Okay...*sigh* Good night Trey.
Teë walks away from Trey to the other side of the lake. Trey turns his head to see where Tee went. She sits on the other side of the lake hugging her knees and looking down at the green, sparkling grass, Trey stares at her and decides to stand up and walk towards Teë.
Trey: Teë?
Teë: Hmm? *turns her head*
Trey: Could I...Uh...Sleep by you tonight?
Teë: Really?!
Trey: Yeah...If you don't mind.
Teë: Of course, I don't mind.
Trey: Thanks *sits by her*
They both stare at the moon and stars while fireflies are flying around them. A comet passes by and everything looks so beautiful.
Teë: Beautiful...Isn't it?
Trey: Yes, you are... *looks at her*
Teë: What? *looks at him*
Trey: I MEAN...Yes it is beautiful..(What did I even say?) *looks back at sky*
Teë: *looks back at sky* Well...I guess this is our last night..
Trey: What do you mean?
Teë: It really doesn't matter...
Trey: Come on, Teë...*looks at her* What's wrong?
Teë: *looks at her feet* It's that...Once we save our friends...Everything's gonna be back to normal...We won't talk as much...I'll be just a fan girl to you again.
Trey: *smiles at her* Teë...I don't care you're a fan girl or not...I like you for being you.
Teë: Thank you, Trey. *hugs him*
Trey starts to blush again.
Trey: ...Uhm..*hugs back and closes eyes* Your welcome...Tiana..
They hug and watch the moon and stars together till they drift into a deep sleep. Trey wakes up in the morning and lifts his head. Teë is still sleeping beside him.
Trey: Ugh...Hmm? *notices Teë*
Teë: Treyella...Please...Don't do this...*frowns*
Trey: Huh? *looks at her*
Teë: I don't want to lose you...I love you.
Trey smiles at what he hears Teë saying in her sleep, her stomach starts to growl immensely.
Trey: I forgot...She's been starving for a while now. I'll look for food.
Teë: Treyella...Trey...
Trey looks at her as he heard her speaking but realises she's just sleep talking. He smiles at her sleeping because he finds it cute.
Trey: I'll be back, I promise. *kisses her cheek*
Trey stands up and walks away to find her food. Dr Smith is watching through his camera again, spying on him. Sally saw him kiss her cheek through the camera.
With Dr Smith and Sally
Sally: I guess you are right, Dr Smith.
Dr Smith: I told you, but you didn't believe me!
Sally: *looks down* I never knew he'd try to kiss her though...
Dr Smith: Well you're lucky that I stopped them on time.
Sally:(I feel guilty...But...Trey was gonna kiss her behind my back...Should I be mad?)
Dr Smith: Now...If you excuse me, this time I will be back on Oceania.
Back with Trey and Teë
Trey: *walking* Teë...Why do I feel different around you now? *sigh* Is it a bad thing? Or is it a good thing? Smith? *turns to the broken robot*
Trey runs towards the broken lookalike robot of Dr Smith, it talks robotically.
Robot: Mwahahaha, you have been fooled. You really thought this is over? HOHOHO! Well you are wrong, this is just a clone. Right now I'm just travelling to Oceania to visit someone.
Trey: *opens eyes* TEË!!
With Teë by the lake
Teë: Hmm...*waking up* T-Trey? *opens eyes* *gasps*
Dr Smith is hovering above her with his robotic chair flyer.
Dr Smith: Seize her!
With Trey in the other end of the forest
Trey runs as fast as he can back to the lake where he left Teë sleeping.
Trey: TEË!
Trey runs back to the lake and finds that she's gone.
Trey: *widens eyes* S-She's gone...
Trey falls on his knees and punches the ground in anger. He falls onto the ground, then recollects himself properly. He looks up.
Trey: I won't let him take her.
Zelkova: You with what army? *steps in front of Trey*
Trey: YOU! *stands up*
Zelkova: It's nice to see you remember me.
Zelkova: That information is classified.
Trey gets even more angrier.
Trey: Then I guess it's the hard way.
Trey spin dashes towards Zelkova.
Zelkova: Not this time.
Zelkova punches Trey and he flies across the sky.
Zelkova: You must be weaker than I thought!
Trey falls onto the ground and hurts himself pretty badly. He stays lying on the floor. Zelkova starts charging towards him.
Trey: *sits up* Okay maybe I can't.
Zelkova charges up his electric power. Trey is baffled.
Trey: what the?! AAAHHH! *gets hit by lightning bolts*
Zelkova: Do you like my new power? Dr Smith invented it!
Zelkova grabs his pillar and throws it at Trey. Trey dodges the attack swiftly.
Trey: Who are you calling slow?!
Zelkova: Haha, don't make me laugh! *raises his fist*
Zelkova hits him hard with his metal, enhanced fist. Trey is on the floor not moving.
Trey: Ugh...
Zelkova: Like I said, slowpoke *raises his foot*
Trey is still stuck there on the floor and does not move, Zelkova steps on Trey squashing him.
Zelkova: Oh sorry! I didn't mean to squash you like a bug! MWAHAHAHA!
Trey lifts up himself from the robots heavy foot with his hands shakily and unsteadily.
Trey: I WON'T GIVE UP! *runs out from under the foot*
Trey spin dashes into the Metarex robot damaging it severely.
Trey: That's f**king it.*clenches fist and cracks knuckles* POWER OF THE SIX CHAOS EMERALDS!!! *spin dashes into Zelkova*
Zelkova: NOOOOOO!
Zelkova explodes and cracked and damaged very severely.
Zelkova: What the--
Trey gets ready to spin dash again.
Zelkova: OK! OK! YOU WIN!
He stands up and looks at the 50ft robot.
Trey: So, are you gonna tell me where she is?
Zelkova: She's...She's next to the ocean around where the Aquatic base was...
Trey: Don't cause me any more trouble. *runs off*
With Dr Smith
Dr Smith: OH I AM SUCH A GENIUS! WITHOUT THE LAST CHAOS EMERALD, TREY WON'T BE ABLE TO SAVE HIS FRIENDS! *holds red chaos emerald* Or...Maybe we could have a trade *looking at Teë*
Teë is tied up against a wooden pillar and her mouth is duct taped.
Dr Smith: HOHOHO! Maybe you can be useful, little rascal.
She looks down at her feet and tears fall from her eyes.
Dr Smith: You're so quiet for once! You used to be screaming all the time. Oh! I forgot! You're more 'mature' now.
Teë: (I wish I had my hammer.)
Dr Smith: Oh well...Trey only have 30 minutes left, if he's too late...bye bye Oceania and the seven realms. *grins evilly*
Trey: I'M NEVER TOO LATE *running towards the smartchair above*
Trey spin dashes towards Smith.
Dr Smith: I wouldn't do that if I was you *grabs Teë*
Trey remembers and lands back onto the ground.
Dr Smith: Yeah I thought so.
Trey: *rolls eyes and clenches fist* What do you want?
Dr Smith: Actually, it's not what I want...It's what you want.
Trey: Huh?
Dr Smith: You see...I could give you the last chaos emerald but I get to keep the girl.
Dr Smith: Or i'll give Teë back, but you'll fail your mission meaning...Losing Oceania and your other friends. *smiles evilly*
Trey: W-WHAT?!
What or who will Trey choose? Will he choose the last chaos emerald meaning he completes his mission and saves his friends or will he choose Teë over his friends and lose everything and everyone he has ever loved and cared for? Find out in the next chapter of PREVIVE!!!
End of Chapter 11

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