3. I needed you and you were there for the first time, gee thanks.

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The weather has gotten worse, there was a snow storm going on in Valencia. Teë walks out on the balcony with a mug of hot chocolate and looks up at the stars, she sighs in disbelief. Trey walks out and sits on a deck chair on the balcony. He stares at the scene of coldness, lifelessness that Valencia has turned into.
Teë: How are we even gonna find a chaos emerald in this weather?
Trey:Hmph, I don't know.
Teë: Like what if the whole planet of Valencia is covered in snow? *sips hot chocolate* But then again, maybe the east of Valencia could be covered in snow and the rest of the planet is fine for now. *sighs* If only we had a map.
Trey: A map?
Teë: Yeah, a map it should have all the chaos emeralds located on it. *looks at him* Right?
Trey: What about that map over there?
Teë: Huh?
Trey walks to a chest that has a map peaking out of it, he takes it out and reads the map.
Trey: Hmm...*smiles* Teë, you're a genius!
Teë: I am?
Trey: This map shows 7 locations of magical activity, a location in each realm. Each one of them must have a chaos emerald! This will be a piece of cake. Well...If I could run fast. *sweat drops and nervously scratches his head*
Teë: So what if we can't run fast? It's still possible to find all 7 chaos emeralds in 3 days.
Trey: Before we even begin this mission, we've gotta set up some rules.
Teë: Anything for you, my dear Trey!
Trey: First of all, don't call me any nicknames. Especially 'Treyella' Also don't call me 'your Trey' because I'm not.
Teë: I have a rule too, no running off!
Trey: Don't chase me with your hammer then!
Teë: I don't even have the strength to lift my hammer now.
Trey: And I can't run fast anymore. Also no squeezing me to death. NO HUGS! And I do mean NO ROMANTIC THINGS, GOT IT?
Teë: Is it because you're shy?
Trey: No I am not shy! Now how about we get out the house already and start this mission?
Teë: Let me at least bath first, *sniffs Trey and holds her nose* You should too.
Trey: Fine.
Teë goes in her guest room and takes off her dress, boots, bracelets. She takes off her black and white lace bra and underwear. White underwear and black bra. She grabs a towel and wraps it around her. She goes into the shower and puts the hot and cold tap on. She washes her hair with herbal rose shampoo. She scrubs herself with rose herbal shower gel. After doing everything, she gets out and wraps her light pink towel around her. She brushes her teeth and walks out to go into her guest room. Trey is looking for towels through his room, but can't find any. Teë takes off her towel and starts moisturising herself which means she's naked. Trey walks into Teë's bedroom without permission. He is looking down at his phone.
Trey: Hey Teë, do you know where the t-- *looks up at her* Holy Chilli dogs *scratches his head and looks up and down at Teë's body*
Teë turns around to face Trey and blushes in embarrassment. She covers herself with her hands.
Teë: Uhh...T-Trey what are you looking at?
Trey: You, I mean *blushes a deep red* I wanted a towel.
Teë: *grabs a towel* Here, I would give you your own one, but I don't want my uncle to notice that there were people here. Take my other dark blue towel *hands towel*
Trey: Thanks and you're still naked by the way. *blushes a deep red*
Teë: umm... *covers herself with bed sheet* Stop looking at me! *blushes* and GET OUT! NOW!
Trey: Alright, alright s-sorry *walks out*
Teë: That...Was...Awkward.
After Trey showers, he wraps a towel around his waist. He goes into the guest room and dresses in his other clothes which have been washed and dried. Afterwards he comes out and eats chilli dogs with cola. Teë puts on her red and pink pyjamas and puts her hair in a ponytail. She packs a few extra clothes, soap, shampoo, towels, jewellery and extra shoes just in case.
Teë: It's 3am can we leave at 11am, I'm tired.
Trey: Teë, be serious we only have 71 hours.
Teë: And we'll still have 62 hours left, pleaseeee I'll use your full nam--
Trey: Never ever EVER say my full name!
Teë: Then let us stay so we can sleep.
Trey: Fine, but we have to find 3 chaos emeralds today!
Teë: Hard, but we can take it! *runs upstairs*
Trey: Heh, yeah we can! *follows her* Where can I sleep?
Teë: In my room and then I will sleep in my uncle's room.
Trey: Are you sure? I don't want you to be scared.
Teë: I might have insomnia, but I can handle it.
Trey: Alright tell me if you are scared though, okay?
Teë: Yeah I will, goodnight Trey *closes door*
Trey: Goodnight. *closes door and falls onto bed* (What the heck, why do I feel so different when I'm around her. Maybe it's the chilli dogs, yeah chilli dogs.)
At 5am
Teë starts to sleep talk as she has a nightmare.
Teë: No...Please don't leave me here all alone! I don't have anyone...*cries* N-no one loves me. D-Daddy, Mama. Why didn't you look for me. W-Why don't you love me? No...NO! STOP IT! DON'T HURT THEM PLEASE! THEY'RE ALL I HAVE, THEY'RE MY FAMILY! AHHHHHHHHH!
Trey sits up and hears Teë screaming.
Trey: Teë?
Trey rubs his eyes, gets up and walks in the room where Teë is sleeping. He finds her screaming and crying in her sleep. He runs up to her and tries to wake her up so he shakes her.
Trey: TEË! Wake up!
Teë falls off her bed and crawls into the corner of the room, she screams and hugs her legs while mumbling to herself in her sleep.
Trey: TEË! your safe, wake up!
Teë opens her eyes and looks around her while she's sweating. She rubs her eyes.
Teë: T-Trey?
Trey: Are you o--
Teë hugs him and sobs on his shoulder, for once he doesn't push her away and lets her cry on him, but he doesn't hug back. She pulls away from him and wipes her eyes.
Trey: Why are you crying?
Teë: I-I had a nightmare.
Trey: What was it about?
Teë: All of you guys left me alone on Space Colony Ark trapped. You all said that you hated me. Then I wondered why my Mother and Father didn't look for me or loved me. Then Doctor Smith trapped you in an explosive pod and I was on the other side safe until it exploded. Everyone died including you. *sighs* Sometimes I think my parents regret having me, I shouldn't have been born then you wouldn't have me annoying you.
Trey: Don't say that. *sighs* Look just because you annoy me doesn't mean I don't care about you.
Teë: Y-You care about me?
Trey: (What am I saying?) Erm...I--
Teë: It's okay, you don't have to say it again *sniffs* I think I can sleep now *stands up with Trey* Thanks for comforting me, well kinda anyways.
Trey: It's alright. *walks out the room*
Teë gets up and walks in the room which Trey is sleeping in.
Teë: T-Trey?
Trey: Yeah? *turns on table lamp*
Teë: (This is so embarrassing, what if he says no.) Can I...Can I...*sighs* Can I sleep with you? I'm really scared and I don't think I will be able to sleep. *blushes*
Trey: Err...
Teë: I won't invade space, promise.
Trey: *sighs* Alright then.
Trey moves up and makes space for Teë to sleep in the bed.
Teë: Thank you and night.
Trey: Night. *switches off lamp*
Teë and Trey turn away from each other, Trey's back is to Teë's face. Teë falls asleep, but sleep talks.
Teë: Don't hurt him.
Trey: *turns around* Teë?
Teë: I will do anything to keep him safe...*cries* If I had to choose between the world and Trey. I'll choose Trey.
Trey smiles at what Teë said, although he knew she was sleep talking.
Trey: Teë, you okay?
Teë keeps sleeping. Trey moves her hair out of her face and looks at her.
Trey: I never realised how cute you look when you sleep. Wait what am I saying?
Teë almost starts to cry again, she whimpers.
Trey: *sighs* I'll hug you just to help you stop getting nightmares. But just this once.
Trey wraps his arms around Teë and pulls her in his torso. He looks down at her and without even thinking he kisses her forehead, he blushes but then he smiles at her.
Trey: Sweet dreams Teë. (Why does she make me feel this way, Sally has never made me feel this way. Although Teë annoys me, she's...she's...)
Trey falls asleep and Teë who was awake the entire time, smiles and kisses his cheek.
Teë: Sweet dreams, my baby Trey.
They fall asleep into the blissful night in Valencia.
Oooo! Trey hugged Teë for the first time although Teë wasn't awake to experience it. Is Trey developing feelings for Teë, or is she just a distraction? Will they find the three chaos emeralds or not? Will there be another moment between these too or will nothing happen? FIND OUT ON THE NEXT CHAPTER OF PREVIVE!

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