5. Will we survive, maybe aw who am I kidding. Probably!

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Through the camera
Jason: Hmph, don't worry. They'll survive I know it.
Sally: *sighs* Trey...Teë...
Meanwhile Teë is unconscious on the floor, she wakes up by herself while her head is bleeding.
Teë: Ugh...
She looks around to see an ice palace, she stands up and starts walking around.
Teë: Trey? Goodness! *shivers* It's freezing in here. *hugs herself*
She finds Trey on the floor, not far from where she was.
Teë: TREY! *runs towards him* TREY, WAKE UP! *cries* This is all my fault.
She starts sobbing.
Teë: I-I promise...I'll be mature...I won't stand in your way. Trey...
Teë looks away from Trey and stares into the distance, Trey starts gaining consciousness and wakes up.
Teë: What am I gonna do now?
Trey: Huh?
Teë: Oh thank goodness! You're okay... *stands up*
Trey sits up and looks ahead.
Trey: Teë, look!
Teë: Huh? *turns around*
Trey and Teë see a dark blue radiant glow coming from a corner.
Trey: Let's check it out.
Teë: *shivers* A-Are you c-cold yet?
Trey: Lemme admit, it is more colder in here than it was outside but nope.
Teë sighs. Teë continues to walk in silence. Trey feels bad about what he said to her.
Trey: (Say something...She must be heartbroken, you idiot!) *stops walking and grabs Teë's arm* I'm sorry about earlier.
Teë is still looking forward avoiding eye contact with Trey.
Teë: I-It's okay.
Trey turns her around to look at him. Teë has tears falling down her cheeks like a waterfall, but doesn't make a slight sound.
Trey: Look at me in the eyes and say it.
Teë has a lump in her throat, she struggles to say it's okay because she's not.
Teë: It-It's...okay...
Trey looks at her feeling guilty.
Teë: Trey, look...
Trey: Yeah, I know you're mad at--
Teë: *rolls her eyes* No really! Look! *turns Trey around*
Trey: Huh?
They both see a royal blue chaos emerald.
T&T: A chaos emerald!
They both start running to the emerald until Trey falls through the deep snow. Teë continues to run to the emerald.
Trey: Ahh sh*t.
The emerald starts to glow in Teë's hands and floats in the air.
Teë: It's...It's so beautiful! Trey? *turns to him*
Trey: A little help here!
Teë giggles.
Trey: *sweat drops* It's not funny.
Teë: Sorry.
Teë tries to pull him out of the snow really hard.
Teë: Wow...I'm actually really weak no--
Teë pulls Trey out of the snow and falls back.
Teë: AAAH!
Trey almost falls on top of her, but his hands stop him from going on her. They both blush of embarrassment.
Teë: Sorry...Again.
Trey stands up and take out his hand.
Trey: Here.
Teë: Thanks. *takes his hand*
Trey: You've got the chaos emerald?
Teë: Yep!
Trey: Good, so let's go!
Teë starts to yawn and falls until Trey catches her.
Trey: Teë, snap out of it!
Teë: But I'm tired.
Trey: I guess we can sleep for a while, but we are not sleeping side by side again, got it?
Teë: *yawns* Got it.
Trey yawns. Teë slides against the wall to the ground as Trey does the same on the other side of the ice palace. Teë gets a blanket out of her backpack with a pillow and covers herself.
Teë: Good night Trey.
Trey ignores her and closes his eyes, Teë does the same. Five minutes later, Trey starts to shiver uncontrollably, his teeth are chattering.
Teë: Hmm?
Tee sees Trey shivering and takes off her blanket and pillow and places the pillow under his head slowly without him waking up and she covers her blanket on him. He continues to sleep and Teë falls asleep again. Trey looks at Teë sleeping and falls asleep.
5 am in the morning
Trey is sleeping until Teë throws something at his head, he wakes up holding his head in pain.
Trey: OW!
Teë: Rise and shine sleeping beauty! We've got to keep moving.
Trey: Ugh...What did you throw at me?
Teë: An acorn!
Trey: Hold up, there's no acorns in--
Teë: Look!
Teë points at the nature, everything is bright, sunny and green. All has been restored in Valencia. Trey is shocked at what he sees.
Trey: (This is how I remember Valencia) The chaos emerald restored Valencia.
Teë: Wow!
Trey: SUNNY AT LAST! *hugs tree* I missed you tree.
Trey falls backwards onto the grass.
Trey: The smell of nature. I also missed the smell of flowers too! *smells a daisy*
Teë: I guess they've missed you too.
Trey: Hehe...*stands up* Where's your coat?
Teë: I don't think I'll need it for the rest of the mission so I'm leaving it here.
Trey: Let's get moving then, its time to find another chaos emerald. *starts walking*
Teë: Wait! Can you check the map to see which realm we are in now?
Trey: We are still in Valencia, but we can use chaos control to teleport to Basilia. *checks map* Yep and that should just take 2 minutes. *holds up emeralds and grabs Teë's arm* Hold on tight! CHAOS CONTROL!
In Basilia
Teë: Yay, we are in Basilia. Isn't Miles brother's workshop around here?
Trey: Yeah, but we're not here to visit homes, we've gotta find the chaos emerald located here.
Teë: Right! So...Where do we go?
Trey: To the jungle down there!
Teë: J-Jungle? Say what now?!
Trey: Yeah! There has to be a chaos emerald down there!
Teë: But can't we try a different location?
Trey: Why? *crosses arms* Are you scared?
Teë: I'm weak! I'll end up slowing you down.
Trey: So? I'm here to not only protect myself, but to protect you too.
Teë: I thought you didn't care about me. *tears whelm up in her eyes*
Trey: I never said that! I only said that I...
His voice echoes throughout the mountains. Tears stream down Teë's face.
End of Flashback
Trey: Never mind, I'll go look for the chaos emerald. You can stay up here and keep watch.
Teë: Okay...
Trey looks toward the jungle and looks back at Teë.
Trey: If you're in trouble, shout for me straight away.
Trey jumps off the cliff into the jungle and lands on his back. He loses his breath then coughs out blood.
Trey: Ugh...That wasn't a very nice landing. Now...To find that chaos emerald. *stands up* Hmm...
Doctor Smith spies through a hologram on Trey.
Doctor: Yes...Seize him.
Minion: But master, he left the girl alone with the first chaos emerald and she's weak, remember that she can't lift anything heavy?
Doctor: Hmm...You have an excellent point. Seize the girl instead!
Minion: Master...We have a problem.
Doctor: What is it now?!
Minion: She's all the way up there...*looks up the 50ft cliff* And we're all the way down here.
All Minions: Yes, master!
With Trey
He starts walking through the jungle and has a bad feeling with Teë being left out in the open by herself.
Trey: (I don't know why, but there's a funny feeling that I should be heading back,) *sees green chaos emerald on the floor* (Or maybe not). *picks it up* Well...That was easy, a little too easy. I guess this mission isn't hard after all! Now I've gotta find a way back up there.
Trey runs off into the jungle, the Doctor spies on him through cameras.
Doctor: I knew that was a bad idea leaving a chaos emerald on the ground.
Back with Teë
Teë: *sighs* (What is Trey gets lost? He can't dash out the jungle like he used to...) *stands up and walks up to the edge of the cliff* TREY!
There's no reply, but the wind.
Teë: What if he's in danger? Or what if he's wasting his time? The chaos emerald could be somewhere else! NO! *turns around* Why should I wait for him, he's probably gonna ditch me! *turns towards the cliff and jumps off, and lands onto her feet* SO WHAT IF YOU DON'T LOVE ME?! I DON'T NEED YOU! I AM TEË ROSA! I CAN DO ANYTHING MYSELF! HMPH!
Teë stomps away into the jungle by herself. She walks through the long grass up to her waist.
Teë: Idiotic prince, I'll show him who's boss! Once I find him he's gonna be so dead, trying to ditch Teë Rosa. Or what if he didn't try to ditch me? I'm just not sure because he's being a total jerk to me! I'm just not so sure anymore. It's either Trey's gonna be more nicer to me, or I'm just gonna completely ignore him!
Back with Trey
Trey starts walking up the mountain back to where Teë was sitting.
Trey: Hey I'm back! I found the chaos emerald it was a piece of ca-- *notices Teë is gone* TEË?! Sh-She's gone... Well I guess I should go then...Teë probably ditched me *waits for her to come out* Alright Teë, you win now c'mon out...No really, this isn't funny now.
Still no reply from Teë
Trey: I guess I better go look for her. *jumps down the cliff and onto his feet*
Back with Teë
Teë: TREYYYYY! WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE! OR IS IT YOU CAN'T RUN AND YOU CAN'T HIDE! *giggles* Oh who am I kidding? He would run off cause I'm 'annoying' *sighs and continues walking* Trey...Where are you?
Teë steps into a rope and suddenly gets lifted up into the air by her feet and is hanging upside down tied to a tree. Her dress starts to fall almost revealing her underwear, she holds her dress quickly blushing a bright red of embarrassment and anger.
Teë: AAHHHHH! SOMEBODY GET ME OFF THIS CONTRAPTION! THIS IS ABUSE! The chaos emerald! *holds onto it tightly* Huh?
Minions: Mwahahahaha!
Teë: *eyes twitch in anger, she turns red* TREYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Will Trey hear and find Teë? Or will the Doctor get the chaos emerald, find out on the next chapter of Previve!
End of Chapter 5

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