13. We can do this together, I know we can!

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Trey: HANG ON TEË!! *rushing towards her*
A sudden explosive hits through the wall.
T&T: AAAAHH! *flying across the area*
Teë: *stands up shakily* What was that?!
Trey: *stands up and looks up*
Dr Smith: Surprise my little teens! *enters through the smoke* This time...There is no way you can stop me.
Trey: Funny thing is, you always say that from every battle but you lose!
Dr Smith: Ah but...Those were the times when you had your speed. Hohohoho!
Trey: And this time Smith, we have the 7 chaos emeralds.
A large golden 50ft robot rises and the robotic chair fits in its head. Dr Smith controls the robot and gets ready in attack position.
Trey: Ready, Tiana? *gets into attack position*
Teë: *puts hands on her hips* Ready when you are.
The robot raises the electric sword in the air.
Trey: What the... *notices the chaos emerald glowing*
Dr Smith was about to strike Trey with electricity.
Teë: TREY!! *dives and pushes him out the way*
The royal blue chaos emerald lands in front of Teë and starts to glow. She falls on the floor with her hands and knees.
Teë: Next time, watch where you're going.
Trey: Sorry, the chaos emerald suddenly glowed *picks up the chaos emerald* Now, where was I? TAKE THIS! *spin dashes towards Smith*
Dr Smith: Foolish boy, your powers are no match for me! *slams him onto the ground with robot*
Trey: Ugh.. *getting back up*
Dr Smith: THIS IS JUST TOO EASY! *fires missiles at Teë*
Teë runs at super sonic speed all of a sudden and is surrounded by a pink aura.
Dr Smith: HUH?!
Teë spindashes towards Smith with an electrical hot pink aura surrounding her.
Teë: SURPRISE! *punches him*
Dr Smith: WHAT THE?! *robot falls to the ground*
Teë: *blushes and moved hair out of face* I think the royal blue chaos emerald gave me your speed.
Trey is shocked and sweat drops, he never knew that Teë would be capable of this.
Teë: *giggles* I guess so!
Dr Smith: Let's see how fast you can run then, girly.
Teë: No problem!
Trey: Careful, Teë!
Dr Smith fires missiles at Teë.
Teë: Hehe *running super sonic speed*
Another red chaos emerald glows in her palms.
Teë: WHAT THE?! *stops running* THE CHAOS EMERALD!
The missiles head towards Teë.
Trey: TEË, LOOK OUT! *spin dashing towards the missile*
Trey spin dashes towards the missile and it explodes. He flies into the wall and crashes.
Trey: Ugh...
Teë: *turns around* TREY!!
Trey: Don't worry, that didn't hurt one bit! *opens one eye*
Dr Smith: What about this? *lands onto Trey with robot*
Teë: NO!!
Trey lifted the machine back up.
Trey: Not quite.
Dr Smith: WHAT?!
Teë: *sweat drops nervously* My strength!
Metarex Army: *all charging for Trey and Teë*
Trey: This is gonna be a lot easy now! *gets ready to attack*
Teë: I'll take care of these, you finish Smith! *runs into army*
Trey: Got it!
Dr Smith: Now with that girl away, let's get to business.
Trey: No, let's get to the end of it!
Dr Smith: Ah so you want the real challenge? Very well! MEET MY BIGGEST CREATION!!
The robot transforms into a 100ft robot with iron and plutonium. Trey gets nervous and his jaw drops open. Teë looks back and sees the 100ft robot and becomes worried for Trey. The robot does karate martial arts moves and moves swiftly and fast. The fist of the robot shines and glows being charged up with electric power.
Trey: *tenses arm biceps* You think a junk piece of metal could beat this--
The robot punches Trey across the room.
Teë: TREY!!
The Metarex minions surround Teë.
Teë: *smirks* Three words, you're too slow. *runs super sonic speed around them*
The robot is fighting Trey and has invisibility powers, it glitches out of Trey's sight then it smacks him into the ground. Meanwhile Teë flies across the air above all the Metarex and does back flips.
Teë: WOO!
Trey: *closes one eye in pain* *holds arm in pain* You either give up now...Because...I have the 7 chaos emeralds...
Dr Smith: Oh so you do now? How come you won't transform into your super form.
Trey: That's because...Teë has the other...three...
Dr Smith: You disappoint me, Trey. *frowns*
Teë: TOO FAST! TOO FAST! *running super sonic speed* AAAAHHH!
Trey: TEE?! *turns his head*
The robot kicks Trey while he isn't paying attention.
Teë falls on the floor and drops all the three chaos emeralds she was holding.
Dr Smith: She sure does have the three chaos emeralds now!
Trey drops two of the chaos emeralds he was holding as well after he took the hit. Teë sits up while holding her head in pain as blood is gushing out of it, she doesn't pay attention. The army head towards Teë, she runs as fast as she can, but it's not good she's lost Trey's power.
Teë: I'VE LOST TREY'S POWER! *falls onto the ground*
Trey is falling from the ceiling unconscious. Teë starts backing up against the wall trapped, she sweats nervously.
Teë: (I'm doomed...)
Trey wakes up and opens his eyes slightly while falling down.
Trey: Hmm? *opens eyes*
The chaos emeralds all start to glow brightly.
Trey: The chaos emeralds.
Trey is holding the other two emeralds in his palms tightly as they glow brightly as well responding to the others.
Trey: Power...Of the 7 CHAOS EMERALDS!!
Trey closes his eyes concentrating on the energy running through his body. He wraps himself into a ball and transforms.
Teë: *looks up at him* Trey...
Trey is now in his super form, his eyes turned from emerald green to red. He turns gold and an gold aura surrounds him. He feels weightless and strong. He unleashes electricity everywhere. Meanwhile one of the Metarex minions dive towards Teë.
Teë: AAAH! *hits the Metarex with her hammer*
The minion hits the wall and explodes.
Teë: *gasps* My strength!
Metarex Army: Grr...*stops moving*
Teë: NOW THAT I HAVE MY STRENGTH BACK! WHO WANTS A PIECE OF THIS *holds up hammer* IN THE FACE?! *glares at them* HIYA! *swings back and hits them*
Trey: Let's do this, Smith.
Dr Smith: So, you finally decided to transform? *smiles evilly*
Trey: Jealous much? *smirks*
Dr Smith: Jealous? HA! Don't make me laugh! TAKE THIS! *raises robot's arm in the air* *hits Trey*
A gold light is struck through when Dr Smith hits Trey like it had no effect.
Dr Smith: WHAT?!
Trey: Is that all you got? *holds robot arm with one hand*
Dr Smith: *grits teeth and clenches fists in anger* GRRR!!
Trey: Face it, Smith! You lose. Now how about you stay out of my way so me and Teë could go back with the others?
Dr Smith smirks evilly and sits with his hand under his chin.
Dr Smith: *chuckles* Perfect *aims missiles at Teë* Giving up so soon? I think it's time to give a little action to your girlfriend.
Trey: Fool, Sally escaped.
Dr Smith: Nope, I'm talking about HER! *fires missile*
Trey: TEË! *turns to Teë*
Teë: *fighting Metarex* YOU CAN'T STOP ME!
Trey: NOOO!! *flies super speed towards Teë* TEEEEEEEEEEE!!
Teë: TREY?! *turns her head*
Trey pushes her out of the way and she falls onto the ground.
Teë: AAAH!
Teë: *eyes closed* Trey...What was that--*opens eyes*
Trey is on the floor fatally injured and unconscious. He has transformed back to his original form.
Teë: TREY!!
Teë rushes towards him and holds him in her arms. Tears fall from her eyes like a waterfall.
Teë: TREY!!
Dr Smith: *smiles evilly* You see? This is why Trey should of never count on you because you end up causing him pain!
Teë looks down at him crying, Trey opens his eyes and looks up at Teë.
Trey: T-Teë...Are you okay?
Teë: *smiles down on him while crying* You big dummy, I'm the one who should be asking that!
Trey: I'm fine, Tiana...Don't worry about it. *coughs up blood*
Teë: *tears whelm up* Why did you do that? You almost got--
Trey: Shh...Let me speak...I can't bare to lose you in my life...I should've realised how important you are to me in the first place. You're beautiful...Smart...Kind...*Tee smiles at him* You're there for everyone when they need you. *chuckles* You make the best chilli dogs too. Your smile...It always brights my day and who ever will be your husband...He will be...The luckiest guy ever...
Teë: But Trey...You might--
Trey: I can't be your husband...
Teë: Don't worry, I know that you--
Trey: Because...You're gonna have to live without me...
Teë: What?!
Trey: I just want these words...To be my last words...That I always wanted to say to you. Teë Rosa, I...I...*closes eyes*
Teë: T-TREY?!!
Dr Smith: *smiles evilly* MWAHAHAHA! I'VE FINALLY WON!! And it's all thanks to you, pinky!
Teë: *sobs* T-Treyella...
Teë remembers all the good times they had.
Teë and Trey are running across the beach in Oceania and playing about. Trey is in front of Teë and Teë is trying to catch him, but can't catch up.
Teë: Trey, wait!! I can't run that fast!
Trey stops in front of her with his back facing her, she blushes and stops as well. He turns around and looks at her with a smile.
Trey: Teë...
Flashback ended
Teë: *sobs* Why didn't I realise...That you were always there for me? *sobs uncontrollably*
Dr Smith: You stupid girl, if you didn't get in his way! He would've lived. *grins*
Teë stops sobbing and clenches her fists, her eyes turn from sweet jade green to a fiery essence.
Dr Smith turns around confused.
Teë: AND YOU'RE GONNA PAY! *holds up her hammer*
Dr Smith: *sweats nervously* EASY WITH THAT HAMMER!
Teë: YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THIS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!! *charging towards him*
Dr Smith picks up Trey's body with his gigantic robot in his metallic finger.
Dr Smith: Come closer and I will crush him.
Teë: *stops running and holds hammer* DROP HIM RIGHT NOW!
Dr Smith: Or what? You wouldn't dare to try hit me with Trey as my shield.
Teë keeps quiet like she's in thought, she looks down at her feet. The next thing she says is going to change her life and all the people she's ever cared about forever.
Teë: You like making deals! Take me instead and let Trey LIVE!
Dr Smith: And why on Oceania would I want you?
Teë: Because I can do things LIKE THIS! *hits the wall with her hammer*
With the others outside
Nigél: *hears a bang* What was that?
Jason: Probably just Smith getting his ass kicked. *chuckles*
Back with Teë and Dr Smith
Dr Smith: Hm, you have a point there...Besides, he's no use for me anymore.
Teë: He isn't dead...right?
Dr Smith: The boy was being dramatic, he's alive but deeply injured. He's too weak to be my enemy from now on. *smiles evilly* So, I want you to become a member of the Smith&co empire if so...I will let your friends go especially Trey and I will no longer destroy Oceania and the seven realms. But you must no longer return to Oceania nor the sever realms, we will face our battles in space.
Teë: *jaw drops* *tears whelm up her eyes* (Shall I do this? Risk my entire life for Trey? If I don't...He'll torture Trey and I don't want that happening) *closes eyes and tears fall down her cheek* *sighs deeply* I accept.
What will happen next? Trey risked his life for Teë to live, now Teë is doing the same thing? She's going to disappear and never come back, wow! What will the others think of this? And what will they say to Trey when he wakes? Find out in the Epilogue of PREVIVE!
End of Chapter 13

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